Asylum-seeking fraudsters bring an entirely new dimension to progressive rhetoric

The word is out that a free pass into the United States is available to anyone who brings along a child and claims that they are entering the United Sattes seeking “asylum.” They don’t even have to surreptitiously cross the border illegally; they turn themselves in and are released, with a hearing date so far into the future that they can disappear into the interior and never show up. At which point they can get drivers’ licenses and start attaining the American dream as “undocumented aliens” that the Democrats want to make legal and grant citizenship to.

But in a curious, Orwellian turn, the language used to describe this fraud echoes greenie rhetoric.

Fox 14 in El Paso tells the tale:

Officials with the U.S. Border Patrol said they found a “recycled” migrant child while family groups in custody were being processed on Wednesday.

Agents said they found a family group with several inconsistencies that led agents to suspect that the child and alleged parent were not related.

Officials were able to get enough evidence to determine that the child had been “recycled” in at least two prior instances.

The term "recycled" is used to refer to migrants that border agents have seen before.

Or, as Hillary Clinton would say, “It takes a village” to enter the United States illegally with the same kid.

Orwell is either rolling over in his grave or laughing himself silly. I can't decide.

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