Barr stuns Sen. Blumenthal during Judiciary Committee hearing

Attorney General William Barr is unflappable, a quality that enabled him to deftly handle the “pack of Iagos” that Democrats on the Senate Judiciary formed into yesterday. In addition to highlighting the key question for which there is no good answer, he stunned Senator Richard Blumenthal, the villain who falsely posed as a Vietnam Veteran yet somehow maintains the trust of Nutmeg State voters.

Blumenthal was on a fishing expedition, looking for quibbles to raise in the wake of the collapse of the Russia Hoax. Assuming the role of a Grand Inquisitor – the favorite pose of Democrats in the Age of Trump – he got an immediate and direct answer from Barr when demanding an internal Justice Department document.   His follow-up question yielded arepsonse that demonstrated that Blumenthal is stuck looking at the situation through the wrong end of the telescope.

A moment to savor, courtesy of the Washington Free Beacon:

..."Did you make a memorandum of your conversation?" Blumenthal asked.

"No, I didn't," Barr responded.

"Did anyone, either you or anyone on your staff, memorialize your conversation with Robert Mueller?" Blumenthal said.

"Yes," Barr added.

Blumenthal then asked, "Who did that?"

"There were notes taken of the call," Barr said.

"May we have those notes?" Blumenthal continued.

Barr: "No."

Blumenthal: "Why not?"

Barr: "Why should you have them?"

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab

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