Cory Booker gets serious about BS

Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker came out strongly this weekend against Islamic terror and vowed if elected to fight it relentlessly.

"So, when I'm president of the United States, I'm taking a fight to this issue like folks have never seen before[.] ... We are not going to give thoughts and prayers, which to me is just b-------," he told CNN's David Axelrod.

The link is here.

Oops, a small addendum: Booker did say, "Thoughts and prayers are b-------."  He did say he's taking a fight to this issue like never before.

However, he was referring instead to expanding controls on American citizens' rights to own arms.  That's what he's going to bring the full force of government against.

There's no record of whether Axelrod, or anyone else, asked whether thoughts and prayers for those mowed down by Islamic terrorists are "BS" and should be replaced with forceful action.

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