Understanding how intersectionality works to crush Whitey

Anti-Racism — Code for a purposely vague notion of systematic racism.  The motives of anybody, even a pastor, who espouses such terminology are political and cultural.  To such people, the church is just another means to an end, a mere voting bloc. 

Critical Theory — A theoretical framework that identifies instances of oppression (real or perceived) from past, present, and future society and exploits them for political purposes with the ultimate goal of uprooting an imperfect but ultimately sound foundation and replacing it with something out of 1984. (See Western Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School and Agenda 2030).

James H. Cone, the Father of Liberation Theology — Espoused a perversion of the Gospel in which he insisted that "American white theology is a theology of the Antichrist insofar as it arises from an identification with the white community ... placing God's approval on white oppression of black existence."  Cone also defined "blackness" as an "ontological symbol," "a visible reality" of "what oppression means in America."  

Intersectionality — Emphasis on areas of disadvantage related to special racial, ethnic, cultural, sex, and class distinctions and the personal experience of the minority class representative.

Social Justice — Righting societal wrongs through political and cultural campaigns, community organization, and various forms of radicalism.  Social justice warriors primarily engage in public protests and demonstrations with the purpose of promoting and ultimately securing equality in the areas of civil rights, economics, etc. by offering relief to the disenfranchised via some form of wealth or resource distribution.  These efforts are often funded and supported by the very elites who are lamented against.

White Guilt — White folk are evil and inherently wicked for the sins of their forefathers against people of color and continue to perpetuate systematic racism via their continued neglect of aggressive policy to elevate the social standing of the black American.

The Doctrine of Discrimination 

James H. Cone was a theologian who merged the black power movement of Malcolm X with MLK's social activism to forward liberation theology.  Cone is also the forefather of Woke Theology.  Woke Theology is essentially a repackaging of radical ideology under the guise of Christian orthodoxy.  It is a movement that infuses biblical Christianity with liberation theology and critical theory in an effort to radically transform the culture and the church into something that resembles a global pagan utopia. 

At this juncture, the stated practical applications of the woke theological movement are fairly ambiguous.  Nevertheless, charges of institutional racism and white privilege are non-negotiable in the eyes of the woke pastor and his disciples.  Their projections are grounded in their assertion that the white man's guilt is perpetual and monetary compensation is essential.  Their political posturing exudes a firm conviction that a transfer of national power is inevitable.  Cone boldly declared that "if God is not for us, if God is not against white racists, then God is a murderer and we had better kill God."

Despite the divisive efforts of the white guilt preacher, God is not the author of social justice, critical theory, or intersectionality.  These are not contextually sound biblical concepts.  The proof lies in their unbiblical pursuits

The woke pastor promotes a form of non-orthodox theonomy, but what he truly seeks is the establishment of a liberation theology–inspired society.  Unfortunately, he is too seduced and indoctrinated to understand the importance of maintaining a shared vision for the future rooted in old paths and constitutional law.

The Politics of Envy

One of the most perceptive men alive during his time, C.S. Lewis saw little value in a practical application of social justice.  If anything, he recognized the utter folly of such pursuits by noting how "men or nations who think they can revive the faith in order to make a good society might just as well think they can use the stairs of heaven as a short cut to the nearest chemist's shop."  Lewis was a prophetic voice.  He understood that "it is quite easy to coax humans round this little corner."  So it remains today.   

The only thing we may truly demand of our government, or our fellow man, for that matter, is to stay out of our way.  We were not put on this earth to validate the whims and fancies of depraved humanity.  Who can legitimately declare that he is entitled or deserving of any special consideration before God and man? 

Is it radical to suggest that any placing of a cultural or ethnic category above the individual or the church collective is a promotion of a type of supremacy?

Intersectionality is a political tool used to agitate and distract the populace, and it is being used to severely shake our current landscape as per the long-term societal breakdown agenda of critical theory.  David French astutely notes how intersectionality and critical theory are radical concepts that are swiftly and aggressively making their way into our civil and religious spheres.  He rightly defines intersectionality as "identity politics on steroids, where virtually every issue in American life can and must be filtered through the prisms of race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity."

Stereotyping used to be a major cultural sin, but what critical theory does is basically lock you into a preconceived or fixed characterization.  The narrative is not always so clear cut.

Ultimately, the identity politics–style seduction of critical theory as employed by the Democrats will never be beneficial to black Americans.  Black Americans surely are not lacking competition as per the Democratic Party's active exploitation of every form of minority grouping under the sun, including illegal aliens and the LGBT.  These sobering realities will have little impact on the wokist, who remains steadfast in seeking the overthrow of the established order and will gladly flip the church in an effort to do so.  Critical theory doesn't seek answers or solutions; it is designed to tear down current systems so that a new and better way may rise in its place.

The Achilles heel of the disgruntled radical is a dependency on some form of Big Brother to make things right.  This is the fruit that intersectionality and critical theory ultimately reap.  But if that's where they believe it's at, that's on them.  The faithless Left will be happy to take care of them, Planned Parenthood–style.

The most tragic part of all this madness is that only in a society such as ours do we even have the freedom to engage in such irrational pursuits.  These anti-racists will not realize how good they had it until it's far too late.

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