Brit lawmakers trying to define Islam as a race

It’s a backdoor approach toward enforcing Islamic blasphemy laws, says Soren Kern of the Gatestone Institute. The backdoor is, as you might predict, the elusive concept of “Islamophobia.”

Days after the British government rejected its preferred official definition of Islamophobia, the Muslim Council of Britain, the biggest Islamic organization in Britain, called for the ruling Conservative Party to be officially investigated for Islamophobia.

The dispute revolves around an effort by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims, a cross-party formation of around two-dozen MPs in the British Parliament, to institutionalize the definition of Islamophobia in racial rather than religious terms.

The APPG, in a November 2018 report titled, "Islamophobia Defined," proposed the following one-sentence definition of Islamophobia:

"Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness."

The definition, the result of six months of consultations, was endorsed by hundreds of Muslim organizations, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, as well as several political parties, including Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Conservatives.

Proponents of the definition say that while it is true that Islam is not a race but a religion — a set of beliefs and ideas — and that Muslims are a set of believers from different races, ethnicities and nationalities, many Muslims experience prejudice, discrimination and a form of racism, which, they say, is structural. 

Photo credit: Adrian Pingstone

This is utter nonsense. Kosovo s full of Caucasian Muslims, and those among them who practice violent jihad ought to be feared by any sensible person. Both “Islamophobia” and “structural” racism are frauds. Adopting this standard in Britain would merely make it possible to prosecute anyone who criticized (for example) the Koranic incitement of violence against infidels in that nation that lacks a First Amendment protection of speech.  

Hat tip: John McMahon

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