But is anyone listening?

The Democrats want to delete our college loans, support reparations for every victim group, and will reinstate the Iran nuclear deal if elected.  And there is more, but let's go with that for now!   

The real question is whether anyone is listening or following the race?  On one hand, many of us are talking about it, but what about Democrats?  

This is a fascinating report:   

Only 22% of Democrats registered to vote say they know a lot about the candidates’ positions, while 62% say they know a little. 

And only 35% say they’re paying close attention to the campaign, with almost two-thirds saying they’re paying some or no attention.

The report makes another interesting point:   

The Democratic field is enormous and unprecedentedly diverse. It features several women, multiple candidates of African and Asian descent, one Latino and a gay man, Buttigieg, who at age 37 is less than half as old as the front-runner, Biden.

But majorities of Democrats say those characteristics make no difference to their level of enthusiasm about a presidential candidate. 

Four in 10 Democratic voters said they would be more excited about voting for a woman for president, and 36% said the same of a younger candidate. 

Only about a quarter were more excited at the idea of supporting a candidate who is black or Latino, while roughly 2 in 10 said they’d be more excited to support an Asian candidate or lesbian, gay or bisexual candidate.

Sorry Mayor Pete!   

Am I the only one surprised to read that Democrats are not excited about their choices or pent up about identity politics?  

Have we not been hearing that the Trump presidency has driven enthusiasm to an all time high?

Let me suggest a question for debate:   Ladies and gentlemen, all of you have been attacking President Trump 24/7 for this or that -- are you surprised that only 35% of Democrats are paying attention?  Can you comment please?

My guess is that most candidates will answer by saying that it's too early and it takes time to make a name.   I understand that point, but maybe it's that the candidates are not turning on anyone.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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