Honoring black conservatives

I don't like singling people out based on the color of their skin, even for the sake of admiration.  But in this age of intersectionality-driven deception and propaganda, it is vitally important to recognize our black brethren in the fight for truth and transparency. 

In many ways, the scrutiny they endure is much greater than anything we can fathom.  Thankfully, they are compelled to fearlessly face the hate as they recognize the greater good at stake. 

They are some of our most cherished voices standing faithfully against the hard projections and presumptions of operatives and activists specially appointed to stir our melting pot.  They understand the realities and depravities so prevalent in our fallen culture, and they understand what it truly takes to rise above adversity. They know experientially that nothing in life comes easy. 

They are exemplary people fighting the good fight, and they all lean hard right.

Ben Carson — Former neurosurgeon, currently serving as U.S. secretary of housing and urban development, and a man who came from nothing and used his gifted hands and big heart to help and heal many minds and bodies via his surgical skills and academic scholarships.  Despite all of his many amazing accomplishments, his most inspiring moment came when he spoke conservative values before God, man, and the most radical liberal to ever serve as president of the United States at the 2013 Presidential Prayer Breakfast.

Candace Owens — Probably one of the greatest existential threats to the Democratic monopoly on black American voters.  She is that smart, articulate, and feisty.  Owens is on record stating that leftists "like black people to be government-dependent."  She's also described Black Lives Matter participants as "a bunch of whiny toddlers" and abortion as the "extermination of black babies."  She cites the brilliant black economist Thomas Sowell as a major influence and is currently leading the #BLEXIT movement, encouraging blacks to exit the Democratic Party.  Also, she's Representative Ted Lieu's worst nightmare

David "Chocolate Knox" Shannon — He's an editor, a producer, and currently a co-host at CrossPolitic.  Above all, David Shannon is a no-nonsense Presbyterian on fire for the Lord whose arguably greatest moment came during a recent episode in which he straight-up asked then-closeted PCA pastor Greg Johnson if he is, in fact, gay.

Shai Linne — This guy raps systematic theology the way Steph Curry puts up the 3.  Shai effortlessly spouts out sound doctrine to the dismay of those who "speak bogus statements, financially motivated ... like a pyramid scheme ... christianizing the American dream ... ungodly and wicked ... treating Jesus like a lottery ticket." 

Darrell Harrison — His podcast Just Thinking has been blowing up in conservative Christian circles as he offers a well versed and scripturally consistent countercultural response to progressive thought in all its various forms.  Gnosticism, Marxism, and Wokism are just a few of the topics that Harrison and co-host Virgil Walker methodically dismantle.  In doing so, they repeatedly confirm that there is nothing new under the sun, as far as harmful and heretical ideology is concerned.  Listen closely as these guys average at least one mic drop moment per episode. 

Voddie Baucham — Pastor Voddie is an uncompromising preacher of the gospel.  He is not a man who forsakes the full counsel of Scripture, or natural revelation, to accommodate areas of cultural appeasement and civil obedience.  There is no place for social justice in his church. 

Clarence Thomas — One of the greatest men ever to serve on the Supreme Court.  Justice Thomas knows his history and remains a solid and dependable voice in defense of the right to life and the right to fight in self-defense, which is a win-win for white and black alike.  Thomas is keenly aware of "the use and misuse of government power," and the majority of his decisions will continue to reflect his belief that we are one nation under God. 

Alan Keyes — The antithesis of Barack Obama, he presented a clear contrast between moral integrity and straight-up shady when the two men battled for a Senate seat in 2004.  Illinois ultimately chose poorly, as did America, despite Keyes calling Obama out for being the "radical communist" he pretty much proved to be. 

Honorable mentions include the African Spurgeon, Conrad Mbewe, and gregarious everyman Dawain Atkinson

The dissemination of radical theories is divisively designed to prey on the inherent sensitivities of racial minorities and majorities alike.  We the People must continue to endure and overcome the onslaught of false narratives and toxic political ideology if freedom is to be maintained.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

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