No adversity scores in the National Spelling Bee

The finalists in the recent National Spelling Bee contest are such good spellers that after an unprecedented 17 rounds, the judges decided to crown not one winner, not two winners, but eight co-winners!  But wait...the contest outcome is even worse!  Six of the eight co-winners must have had a high adversity score of brown skin privilege and had foreign-born parents.  Soooo unfair for the two white-skin unprivileged co-winners who also emerged on top.

Or something.

The eight co-winners (YouTube screen grab).

Wait, there's more (un)privileged adversity in the final results.  Six of the eight winners were...boys!

Nevertheless, National Spelling Bee judges awarded the prizes to all eight co-winners based on merit alone! 

How brave!

But I am sooooo confused because, according to the thinking behind the adversity scoring recently instituted by the executives of the corporation that runs the Scholastic Aptitude Test, these dark-skinned students whose parents were not born in the U.S. shouldn't have lasted one round — or perhaps not even made it to the national contest — because they were burdened with so many adversities they would have needed extra points just to stay even.  But noooooo!  The contestants all studied hard, had private spelling coaches (yes, they exist!), and there they were — triumphant in the end. 

What will the SAT administrators do?  Perhaps they'll learn that adversity isn't always a problem.  Or even adverse.  

Or — most probably — the SAT administrators are the real bigots, believing that all races, religions, ethnicities, cultures, or whatever special identity(ies) should perform proportionately to their percentage of the population.  Those who don't suffer adversity and should be compensated with an adversity score. 

Next, the SAT executives will share their wisdom with the National Basketball Association, which suffers from an excess of tall, talented, young, male, black players, encouraging them to hire short, over 35, white, awkward females.  Me!

Or something!

Meanwhile, privileged or not, congratulations to the student winners!

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