Elizabeth Warren's absurd bid to slay yesteryear's villains

Elizabeth Warren still hasn't adequately answered the questions about how she snuck into more than one Ivy League professorship by disguising herself as an Indian; gaming the system through the affirmative action back door; and made a fortune as a "consultant," lawyer, and denizen in a near-no-show job at Harvard.

But she was out front and center last night, winning the plaudits, for her "brave" stance promoting her sort of progressive populism by painting Giant Corporations and "the wealthy" as the enemy:

Giant corporations and billionaires are going to pay more. Middle class families are going to pay less out-of-pocket for their health care.

Populism, indeed.  Populism always depends on having a bad guy, and when there is a real one, as President Trump successfully tapped into and identified, the voters went for him.

Warren is trying the same thing but is going to get a different result: she wheeled out yesteryear's bad guys, which don't exist anymore, expecting all the little descamisados to come running to her, imagining she could Do a Trump, shoehorning it into her own socialist agenda.

Here's a passage demonstrating it, from The Atlantic:

I took on giant banks and I beat them. I took on Wall Street, and CEOs, and their lobbyists and their lawyers, and I beat them. I took on a popular Republican incumbent senator, and I beat him. I remember when people said Barack Obama couldn't get elected. Shoot, I remember when people said Donald Trump couldn't get elected.

But here's where we are. I get it. There is a lot at stake, and people are scared. But we can't choose a candidate we don't believe in just because we're too scared to do anything else. And we can't ask other people to vote for a candidate we don't believe in. Democrats win when we figure out what is right and we get out there and fight for it. I am not afraid, and for Democrats to win, you can't be afraid either.

In her closing arguments, she ranted and raved about big evil giant corporations, too.

Who the heck are these bad guys?  Why, her own political allies, people who share her far-left views exactly, people whose views are indistinguishable from hers.

Here's who they are — these are the best performing of them in the first half of 2019, according to Investor's Business Daily:

This year's stock market rally is impressive: Lining investors' pockets with an extra $4.4 trillion in wealth. But just 10 stocks, including Microsoft (MSFT) and Amazon (AMZN), account for a third of those riches. 

Showing how reliant the market's wealth-generating power is on just a few stocks, these 10 stocks in the Standard & Poor's 500 plus Apple (AAPL) and Walt Disney (DIS), generated $1.5 trillion in wealth. That means this handful of stocks is responsible for a third of the market's gains this year, according to an Investor's Business Daily analysis of data from MarketSmith and S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Keep in mind two of the stocks, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Alphabet (GOOG)L, are so large they generated massive market value this year of $52 billion and $141.8 billion, respectively. But JPMorgan's 19.4% gain this year and Alphabet's 18.7% lagged the S&P 500's 20.5% rise this year.

Here are the top listers of the Dow Jones Industrial Average by market cap.  Here are the top listers in the Nasdaq index by market cap

Here are the top performers by market cap on the S&P 500 (some names appear more than once based on share class):

1              Microsoft Corporation

2              Apple Inc.

3              Amazon.com Inc.

4              Facebook Inc.

5              Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

6              Alphabet Inc.

7              JPMorgan Chase & Co.  

8              Alphabet Inc.

9              Johnson & Johnson

10           Exxon Mobil Corporation

11           Visa Inc.

12           Procter & Gamble Company

13           Bank of America Corp

14           Walt Disney Company

15           Mastercard Incorporated

16           AT&T Inc.

17           Cisco Systems Inc.

18           UnitedHealth Group Incorporated

19           Home Depot Inc.

20           Verizon Communications Inc.

21           Chevron Corporation

22           Intel Corporation

23           Pfizer Inc.

24           Merck & Co. Inc.

25           Coca-Cola Company

26           Comcast Corporation

27           Wells Fargo & Company

28           PepsiCo Inc.

29           Boeing Company

30           Citigroup Inc.

31           McDonald's Corporation

32           Walmart Inc.

33           Abbott Laboratories

34           Adobe Inc.

35           Netflix Inc.

36           Oracle Corporation

37           Medtronic Plc

38           Philip Morris International Inc.

39           International Business Machines Corporation

40           PayPal Holdings Inc.

41           Honeywell International Inc.

42           Accenture Plc

43           Union Pacific Corporation

44           Costco Wholesale Corporation

45           Texas Instruments Incorporated

46           salesforce.com inc.

47           Broadcom Inc.

48           Starbucks Corporation

49           Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

50           NIKE Inc.


What do they all have in common?  They're woke corporations.  These wokesters are the giant corporations out supposedly oppressing us, according to Warren, yet strangely, they are very, very woke.  If they're not openly woke — I'm looking at you, Nike, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, Disney, Facebook, Cisco, Oracle, Pepsi, Starbucks, Goldman Sachs, Netflix — they're bowing to wokeness.  These giant corporational leaders are openly calling for higher taxes if not censoring conservative voices on the internet, pandering to race divisionists, promoting Hollywood values, hiring out-of-power Democratic operatives (including President Obama himself at Netflix), and paying giant speaking fees (bribes, if it were little guys), as well as shoveling money overwhelmingly to Democratic political coffers.  If they're not doing that, they're bowing to the culture of wokeness, affirming its wonderfulness — Chevron, ExxonMobil, Walmart, JPMorganChase, and all the Big Pharma companies.  Even News Corp. is starting to play this one.  Just take a look at all of the "corporate responsibility" pages for donations to left-wing causes each of them has.  Very, very, few of these corporate biggie names among the top-sters are affiliated with any conservative values whatsoever — I see Home Depot and, farther down on the lists, Caterpillar as the only two worth noticing. Maybe PayPal, too. The rest are onboard and have the hooks in deep with wokeness culture.

Some of the worst of them, such as Google, are her biggest donors. Vox has noticed that one, and so has the Boston Globe. Here's its headline:

Elizabeth Warren wants to break up big tech. Its workers don't want to break up with her

One of them, a Google-ster, even noticed it, saying a few months ago that she loved Warren heart and soul, but thought she was wrong-headed to want to break up big tech.

So now Warren wants to rally the voters based on all the badness of the Giant Corporations which she paints as Cornelius Vanderbilts and all his robber baron allies. Actually, these corporations she rails against are her cronies. And in the revolving door of campaigns, after hers loses, all her operatives are going to get big jobs with them.

The bottom line here is that Warren and Big Corporate are the same thing, they harbor and promote the exact same values. They're not her enemy, they're her coeval and it's not just about corporate money into the campaign coffers. For Warren to try to be persuading all of us that these are bad guys straight out of the Gilded Age is ridiculuous. Most of us can see something much more nefarious going on.

She's identified an old villain when in fact there is a new one she won't acknowledge. This will fall flat with voters. 

Image credit: CNN screen shot, via shareable YouTube.

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