Heat wave in Europe is bad political news

Europe is sweltering this summer.  A heat wave has gripped the Continent, where high temperature records have been broken in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and elsewhere.  In Germany for example, the temperature has consistently reached over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 

The story is similar in France, which recorded its hottest day in history: 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

People are dying, wildfires have broken out, agriculture has been damaged, and thousands of schools have closed.  All this will have political ramifications.

Prior to this heat wave, a large segment of the population in Western Europe was already favorably deposed to believing the man-made global warming hypothesis.  This is evidenced by the strong Green showing in the recently concluded European parliamentary elections.  Perhaps more telling, the Greens are now the most popular political party in Germany, the powerhouse of the European Union.

It goes without saying that this summer's heat wave can only further strengthen the Greens as it pushes ever more of the citizenry to their cause on climate change.  This will energize and embolden the Greens to more aggressively push their agenda both in individual countries and in the E.U. parliament.  And what is that agenda?  Here's a summary from Dr. Guy Milliere of the the Gatestone institute.

To anyone who has read the Greens' program, it is evident that they are essentially leftists with an environmental green mask. They support unrestricted immigration and multiculturalism. They are essentially blind to the dangers arising from the Islamization of Europe and resolutely hostile to any defense of Western civilization, to free enterprise and free markets. They are often in favor of zero growth. Most of them support an apocalyptic vision of climate change and say that the survival of humanity will soon be at stake if Europe does not take drastic measures to 'save the planet.' All of them are in favor of authoritarian decisions imposed from Brussels on all of Europe.

A European parliament placed under the influence of the Greens will almost certainly accelerate to slide towards more power given to the unelected members of European commission, and a phasing out of nuclear energy and fossil fuels. Policies favorable to still more immigration already in preparation.

The growing Green influence in Western Europe will not be reversed any time soon.  It will weaken the Continent's bond with the U.S., make it more difficult for the E.U. to control immigration, and accelerate the deindustrialization of Germany.  As Guy Milliere put it concluding his article, "[I]n a few decades Europe truly could no longer be Europe."  Here his time frame may be overly optimistic.

Graphic credit: Pixabay.

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