Mueller lays an egg

As the Good Ol' Boys used to sing on Hee Haw, yesterday was "Gloom, Doom, and Agony" for the Democrats.

For those most severely afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), it was a terrible, rotten, no good, very bad day.  These folks, the stalwarts of the Democratic House and Senate caucuses, not to mention the DNR, had put all their 2020 election eggs in the basket of keeping the impeach Trump narrative alive.  Key to that objective was coming out of today's Mueller Testimony with a few bombshell revelations upon which they could continue to claim that "the Russians did it and Trump colluded and obstructed."  It turns out they got worse than nothing.

Robert Mueller barely qualified as sentient while testifying.  He could not remember obscure details like "who was Christopher Steele and what was Fusion GPS."  He could not remember the legal definition of conspiracy and if that was synonymous with collusion even though his report, the one he ostensibly wrote, said it is.

Mueller appeared generally confused and distracted.  When he did speak, what he said was often fragmented and off target.

The day is not about picking on Robert Mueller, however.  The bottom-line reality for the Democrats right now is that they have spent two and a half years trying to bring down the president by every dirty trick imaginable, and none has worked.  They were banking on nullifying the election or, at the least, creating a continuing cloud of suspicion.  They have wasted two and a half years and have not one single accomplishment to talk about for the election.  Mueller's testimony was a last gasp, and it was a dud.  More than that, it shone a bright light on how corrupt the Democratic elite superstructure is.  Not only did they get nothing, but they exposed some dark places of their own.

The really bad, no good, rotten day doesn't end there.  The inspector general's report now seems even more likely to contain bad news involving Democrats, and the prosecutor report from Huber and Durham may well contain indictments of Democrats.

President Trump has created a solid record of building the economy, creating jobs, and eliminating burdensome over-regulation.  A July 19 Rasmussen Poll shows the president at 50 percent approval.  His approval is now holding in the 48- to 50-percent range.  That is eight percent better than Obama at the same point.  Immigration remains the biggest item in voters' minds, and the Democrats are on the wrong side of that one as far as the public is concerned.

The Democrats have an incredibly unattractive and inept collection of lightweights from which to select their candidate, and the issues that this bunch are pushing are not popular with the public.  People like jobs, their own health care, and a secure border.  Sixty percent of Americans are opposed to Reparations.  Fifty-four percent of voters are opposed to free college.  If the current vector continues, not only will President Trump win re-election handily, but taking back the House of Representatives and increasing their margin in the Senate are real possibilities.

Dave Ball is the author of conservative political commentary, a guest on political talk shows, an elected official, and a county party official.  

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