Scientific fact: Men can get pregnant

Even crazy liberals, while barking at the moon, can stumble over a thought worth consideration.

Dr. Eugene Gu tweeted last week that "[i]t's a scientific and medical fact that men can get pregnant and also have abortions.  Trans men and non-binary individuals are human beings who deserve to be acknowledged by society.  They choose their own identity — not me, not you, not any doctor and certainly not any politician."

The first sentence is just pure idiocy.  The science and the medical fact is that males cannot get pregnant.  Gu is searching the lunasphere for a new constituency, because liberals always need a new constituency to weaken and devour.  Pregnant trans-women are logical, reasonable, and truthful only if you are orbiting a dead planet 250,000 miles from intellectually lucid terra firma.

Yet there is a lesson in this man's crazy words. 

Try this: conservative people and Trump-supporters are human beings who deserve to be acknowledged by society.  They choose their own identify — not me, not you, not any doctor, and certainly not any politician. 

Liberating, isn't it?

Gu's words make you proud to be a conservative, out there breaking all the rules of our so-called polite society, standing in defiance of a subset who dress in black masks and wield clubs against fellow citizens whether on the streets or in the Twitter-verse.

So as you go through another day hounded by small-time hoodlum pundits ganging up on conservatives and calling them racists or whatever, remind yourself that only you are allowed to define yourself.

And that those who would define you think men can have babies.

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