The Epstein story...and a big 'what if?'

The Epstein story has hit the fan, and it's only a matter of time before we find out who is who in this pathetic story of grown men and underage girls:

An indictment alleging sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy was unsealed Monday morning against billionaire financier and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who is set to make his first appearance in a New York City federal court later in the day.

Prosecutors allege Epstein, the 66-year-old wealthy hedge fund manager arrested on Saturday, preyed on "dozens" of victims as young as 14.

Are you sick yet?  I am — and very angry because I have five nieces!  We should all take turns beating the crap out of this guy and his "friends."

Who his "friends" are is the big shoe to drop.  Even Christine Pelosi, the speaker's daughter, is warning that "it's 'quite likely that some of our faves are implicated.'" 

Wonder who!  I don't know, but we heard that President Clinton took quite a few trips on his plane.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with the former president needing a free or subsidized ride anywhere.  After all, the Clinton Foundation or his pension could have paid for any fares.

All of this takes me back to a CNN interview with then-V.P. Al Gore back in 1999.  Back then, there was talk of Gore carrying Clinton's burden.  I recall people talking of replacing the problematic Clinton with clean image Gore, all because of what they used to call "the scandals."

This is a part of the interview:

BLITZER: Is there any specific strategy you plan on engaging in during the campaign to deal with this issue — the impeachment issue, the scandal issue, the impact, potential spillover effect on you from the president's behavior?

GORE: Well, Wolf, what the president did was terribly wrong. It was indefensible. He's apologized for it. And you know what the American people want? They want us to move on. They want us to focus on the future and talk about them and work on their problems and build their future, not wallow in the past.

We know what happened: George W. Bush won in the very contested election of 2000.

What if Democrats had forced President Clinton out on the grounds of reckless and irresponsible behavior back in 1999?  My guess is that Gore would have won in 2000, and President Clinton would have faded: no Epstein, no Hillary emails or Clinton Foundation scandals.

Yes, what if, and it may be silly to remember it.  Nevertheless, the Democrats are about to find out via Epstein that their pact with the devil was a bad idea.

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