Tommy Robinson, embattled hero

The hero Tommy Robinson has been reconvicted of contempt of court, after his previous conviction was overturned and he was released from prison, but the door was left open for the attorney general to relitigate if he so chose.  He duly did, leading to Robinson's trial at the Old Bailey on July 5.

Robinson's lawyer, Richard Furlong, said Robinson was being convicted for what he is, not for what he did.  What he did, that so offended the elite, was stand up for the victims of child abuse.  What kind of a sick society defends child rapists and persecutes someone who wants justice for cruelly raped little English girls?

According to Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch, 4 July 2019), there were approximately 6,850 victims of organized child sexual exploitation in the U.K. in 2015.  That's at least 18 girls a day in just one year.  For exposing this ghastly crime, Robinson was imprisoned for 2.5 months in solitary confinement, not held in his rightful category, but moved to a Category C prison with the highest number of Muslim inmates, subjected to mental torture and constant threats and abuse, and had all his rights denied "in the interest of public safety."  Now this fate looms again, and the government wants to once again put him in harm's way, in the hope that some Muslim inmate will dispatch this troublemaker.

What about being judged by one's peers? There were only two judges and no jury at Tommy's trial at the Old Bailey.  One was Rt. Hon. Dame Victoria Sharp, DBE, president of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of England and Wales, the other Justice Warby, two executioners acting on behalf of the establishment.  It's time for British citizens to tear down the Old Bailey as French citizens tore down the Bastille in Paris on July 14, 1789.

Tommy campaigned for a seat in the MEP — he was sabotaged from the beginning, with Muslim gangs imported to throw rocks and beer cans whenever he wanted to make a speech, and leaflets he had paid for and given to the Royal Mail were not sent.  He was banned by major social networks and banned from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (Guardian, 26 Feb. 2019, Alex Herns and Jim Waterson).  Of course he was not elected.

Yesterday, Gerard Batten, leader of the UKIP party and a supporter of Tommy, said, "[T]he British government is now the enemy of the people."  In a speech addressing the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, Batten said: "You have done what Philip of Spain, what Napoleon, what Kaiser Wilhelm and Hitler couldn't do.  You have brought Britain to its knees, without firing a shot.  But you could not have done this without the connivance of the traitors, quislings and collaborators in the British parliament and the British establishment."

Tommy Robinson has become Britain.  As JFK said in his famous Berlin speech, "Ich bin ein Berliner," and in France after the Muslims murdered artists working for the Charlie Hebdo cartoon magazine, everyone declared "Je suis Charlie" — so now must all British patriots, and American sympathizers, and indeed all the righteous people in the whole world say loudly, "I am Tommy."  It won't be long before government traitors pass a law criminalizing patriotism.  Soon, patriots will be prevented from joining the armed forces in England.

The Brits do not have guns.  But they are more intelligent than their Muslim oppressors, and more versed in British history than the ghouls now serving in public office.  Surely they can glean insight from ingenious Brits from the past, like William Wallace (Braveheart) or the Scarlet Pimpernel, or Sir Francis Drake.  We need to quit being so compassionate and forgiving of evil.  Evil must be confronted and snuffed out.  When it feels safe, it breeds.  It is not ungodly to hate evil.

In the film My Little Chickadee, Mae West is admonished by the judge "not to show contempt for this court."

"I'm doing my best to hide it," she replies.

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