Trump is all about patriotism, not racism

America has come a long way from the 1950s and her segregationist past.  Today, though, after years of relative racial harmony, talk of racism is again consuming our nation. 

It's been resurrected by the race-baiters, those who find racism in every facet of our society, from our criminal justice system to our immigration policies.  They divine it from commercial advertising and from our historic monuments.  They brand everyone who challenges them as racist.  And they don't need evidence to back up their claims.  Baseless accusations come to be embraced as fact, if repeated often enough. 

President Trump stands for national sovereignty and secure borders, so they brand him a racist.  When he tried to establish an accurate count of legal U.S. citizens by restoring the citizenship question to our national census, Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasted no time throwing down the race card, speculating that his real purpose was to "make America white again."

More recently, there was Trump's tweet about Representative Ilhan Omar and the Squad: why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came?  Then they can come back and show us how it's done."

Pelosi wasted no time addressing Congress to call Trump's words racist.  That was followed by a formal condemnation by the Democratic-controlled House.

There simply is no evidence in that tweet or anywhere else that President Trump is racist.  There are only the incessant accusations spread by those propagandists who callously use racism as a political tool.

Anyone who listens to the president's words at his massive rallies know what really drives him.  The first is something Democrats cannot claim: a tally of successful policies, especially on the economic front.  The second is something today's Democrats can't possibly understand: unequivocal, unapologetic love of country.  When he invited Omar to first fix the problems in her country of origin, race had nothing to do with it.  He was responding to her relentless criticism of America.  It was patriotism, not racism that prompted that response. 

Meanwhile, Omar and the others continue to squander the cherished right to free speech, using it not for constructive debate, but to denigrate our country and to perpetuate the idea of endemic racism.  Most Americans see that as the real hate speech.  Contrary to those repeated accusations, today, the vast majority of Americans are blind to skin color.  What does make them sit up and take notice is condemnation of our country by our own elected representatives.  They understand that the battle between segregationists and integrationists is history and that today's conflict is between patriots and anti-American elements within. 

They're disgusted by the vile and seditious lies fabricated by politicians who seem determined to sow discontent in our country.  America bears no semblance to Nazi Germany, and everyone with a shred of common sense knows that.  And while Americans always welcome immigrants, they have no tolerance for those who come here illegally or for those who bring with them fanatical hatred spawned by some age-old conflict.  Anti-Semitism has no place in America, and especially not in the halls of Congress.  Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East, arguably our only ally in that region, and al-Qaeda and ISIS are our sworn enemies.

The false accusations of Trump's critics only perpetuate the notion of endemic racism.  So who are the real racists?

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