Try this alternative to the BDS movement against Israel

As I read this AT article, regarding Ilhan Omar's resolution to affirm citizen rights to boycott foreign countries — namely, for her purposes, Israel — I couldn't help thinking she's opening a Pandora's box of litigable applications.  But the law isn't my domain of expertise.  Besides, boycotts are so negative.  They call for choosing hate and punishment.  It's said you catch more flies with honey (I prefer a fielder's glove), so let's think positive.

How about a slice of PIE instead?  By this I mean Purchase, Invest, Endorse.  Purchase products from sources you want to support.  Invest in companies you want to see succeed.  Endorse your choices on social media.

I went on Amazon and searched for "made in Israel."  I bought a spice blend called Zaatar (very tasty) and some spikenard-scented oil (I always wondered what it smelled like).  I gave the oil to a young friend of mine who said she would share it with her church members.  You might make different purchases.  You might look for products from other countries.  The point is that you are acting to help someone rather than harm him.

I'm not much on stocks, but you can do your own research on which ones are in Israel or involved in something you want to encourage.  Tweet your selections and why you made them.  You can't control Congress, but you can act on your personal resolutions.

Endorse, if you dare, and many of you do.  You still, for now, make your own financial and social decisions.  If boycotts are free speech, then certainly the recommendations for what to buy or otherwise support are equally free speech.

I know, you'll potentially be de-platformed.  Because really the door only opens one way: in support of spreading progressive non-thoughtcrime hatred.  But the fight for preserving free speech is under way, and you can be part of it.

Now, if there were only someone to present a resolution affirming citizens' rights to buy what we want and only what we want, with no mandatory government-dictated purchases.

PIE for everyone!

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