UK Labour Party sinks deeper into Jew-hatred

It is time to start worrying about the fate of Jews living in the United Kingdom.  One of its two major political parties is endorsing the politics of the most obscene Jew-hatred.  Last week, the Mother of Parliaments welcomed to Westminster Palace an Arab politician who calls Israel "a Jewish cancer."

Via the U.K. Daily Mail:

A Jordanian MP who has made virulently anti-Semitic comments was welcomed into the Palace of Westminster last week by a Labour Shadow Minister.

Yahya Al-Saud, who is notorious for praising terrorism in Palestine, was greeted at Portcullis House by Labour frontbencher Fabian Hamilton, shadow minister for peace and disarmament.

M.P. Fabian Hamilton (via Wikimedia Commons/JPost).

The controversial Jordanian was ushered into Parliament for a series of meetings, adding fresh fuel to claims that anti-Semitism is not being taken seriously by the party.  His visit also prompted campaigners with the Jordanian Opposition Coalition to write to Home Secretary Sajid Javid, questioning why the M.P. was allowed entry into Britain.

At this point, it is fair to ask if Britain's Jews need to follow French Jews in fleeing their homeland.

Update: Fabian Hamilton is from a Jewish family, the grandson of a rabbi.

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