Where is the Democrat who will challenge Omar?

How crazy left is the Democratic Party of 2019?  Look at what is being discussed in the U.S. House.

This is from Fox News:

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Omar's resolution seeks to push back against U.S. laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they so wish.

While the resolution doesn't explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.

Israel like Nazi Germany?  Or the USSR?

Representative Omar is free to believe whatever she wants to believe.  Nevertheless, her positions on this and many other issues show a disrespect for Jewish Americans and our long relationship with Israel.

She also has no regard for her own party.  The Democrats are risking losing the House and more state legislatures in 2020.  It means they will lose more power over drawing up districts as happened after the 2010 Obamacare wipeout.

Where is the "moderate" Democrat who calls on Representative Omar to resign or stop badmouthing everybody?  I can't find one, but there is a great opportunity here for a Democrat to make a name for himself.

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