Will the last CNN viewer please turn off the TV?

The latest ratings report is not good for the three-letter network known as CNN.  It's hard to believe that things are this bad, but they are:

The far-left fake news outlet CNN came in 15th place in primetime during the previous quarter and lost nearly 20 percent of its already pathetic viewership.

On one hand, I know that many of us want to say "yes"!

On the other hand, CNN is such a waste of energy and talent.

CNN never exploited the middle and reported seriously about the news.

Imagine if we had a network that did not tilt right like FOX or left like MSNBC.  Wouldn't you love to turn on the TV on prime time and not get opinion shows?

Yes, CNN is a victim of its own bias and irresponsible journalists like Jim Acosta.

Maybe a stockholder will stand up and say something like this: "You are terrible at the anti-Trump stuff.  Why don't you try news?  Maybe we can convince advertisers to buy time with us."

In the meantime, I find myself watching less and less cable news.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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