Can we finally get that IG report?

To be fair, I.G. Michael Horowitz is trying to do a complete job.  However, don't blame some of us for being a bit impatient.  After all, how long have we been waiting for this report?

According to Senator Graham, it will be nasty:

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is adamant about revealing what went on behind the scenes of the Russia investigation and is looking forward to the American people learning about what happened.

Graham pointed to three investigations of the investigators that are taking place: one by his committee; one by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General Bill Barr to conduct a probe; and one by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

I will wait and give I.G. Horowitz the benefit of the doubt as far as the timing is concerned.

I have a few questions:

  • Who started this Russia collusion story that resulted in the Mueller probe?  Why did it take two years?
  • Who presented the phony dossier before the FISA court?  Who is going to be held accountable for that?
  • Did Hillary Clinton get special treatment on the email scandal?

It's time for answers, and hopefully we will have them soon.

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