Chris Cuomo trolls Andrew Yang on climate alarmism

Andrew Yang, the quirky Democrat presidential candidate who wants to send a thousand bucks a month to everyone who is able to fog a mirror, escalated the warmist doomsaying when he told the presidential debate audience Wednesday night that it is too late already.  The only thing to do now is move to higher ground.

Yang, who boasted that he's Asian and likes math, should have spent a little time on history — the history of busted predictions of climate doom...first from global cooling and then from global warming.

Grabien screen grab.

One of the pernicious effects of such irresponsible rhetoric is the psychological traumatization of children.  Even clueless Chris Cuomo, the Fredo of his generation of Cuomos, claimed he witnessed the impact, only to retreat and claim he was only "messing" with Yang.  This is weird.  Transcript via Grabien:

>> Be careful what you wish for. Let's look at the flip side of what made you popular. Two of my three kids cried themselves to sleep because they believed the world would be on fire in 15 minutes because it is too late to stop climate change. Did you go too far in that assessment?
>> I was just telling it like it is. The fact is that we are 15% global emissions.
>> But it's not too late.
>> If we go to half, we're still only going to slow it down. The study came out the other day that showed that Greenland, the ice pack is melting at the rate predict to be in 2070. 50 years from now. So we're way ahead of whatever the projections were and we need to tone fact the last four years have been the warmest years ever. I'm sorry about your kids. I have young kids, too.
>> I'm just messing with you. My kids don't pay any attention. The problem is you'll try to persuade people to care about something that not enough people in our country do. Including our president. He treats it like a joke. So if you don't give them an aspirational seems of what can be achieved, are not you shooting yourself in the foot as far as getting anything done?
>> Well, my campaign is built around telling it like it is. I wish I had better news to report. I wish I could say, if we get our act together, we'll reverse climate change. Everybody will be for us what it will be for our kids. That's not what the facts are saying. We keep saying we'll turn it around as far as our energy composition and our carbon emissions and we haven't demonstrated we can do it within our own borders, much less in developing countries where you know they'll choose the cheapest, dirtiest forms of energy.
>> Fair point. Not very optimistic and usually politicians are in the business of persuasion but you are not a politician. So I'll take that one. You have a dour view

In addition to history, Yang needs to expose himself to climate doom skeptics.  Marc Morano here takes down the claims that Greenland's heat is unprecedented.

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