Epstein's will

How does a "suicidal" child rapist spend his last few remaining days on earth? Aside from passing the time in a lonely cell, Jeffrey Epstein made it a point to sign his will a mere two days before he allegedly committed suicide. The conventional explanation has stretched to a new level of irregularities.

Court officials in the U.S. Virgin Islands filed the will last week with no publicly listed beneficiaries. Signed August 8th, just two days before Epstein's alleged suicide, the will funneled his fortune exceeding $577 million into a private trust called "The 1953 trust." Law experts have advised the New York Times that this perhaps was an attempt to shield his finances from public scrutiny.

Court papers filed in St. Thomas claim his estate is worth roughly $18 million more than when he requested bail on federal sex trafficking charges. The assets includes an excess of $56 million in cash.

Epstein listed three executors in his will, including a former science advisor to billionaire Bill Gates, Boris Nikolic. Nikolic is listed as a "successor executor." In other words, if the other two are unable to fulfill their duties, Nikolic is appointed.

Nikolic said he is "shocked" to learn about his involvement in the will, and alleges he has no intention of fulfilling the duties. Though Nikolic's relationship with Epstein is murky and unclear, a source told Bloomberg that Nikolic backed more than a dozen "gene-editing" businesses after parting ways with Gates in 2014. Nikolic also controlled a $42 million equity stake in one particular "gene-editing" business, Editas Medicine Inc.

Nikolic allegedly was excited to receive financial advice from Epstein, who reportedly had a thing for genetic research. Nikolic allegedly wanted the inside scoop on Editas that Epstein was sharing with private bankers before the company's initial public offering (IPO).

The list of elites that have overlapping ties to Epstein is growing at an alarming rate, and denial seems to be the prescription here. If you think Epstein is unable to talk any longer, imagine how many influential people are presently living with a gag ball in their mouth. They've got nothing to say.

Of course, not every individual with ties to Epstein had a role in his pedophile sex trafficking operation, nor did they necessarily know about it. The question is, how many did?

For starters, placement on the will of another person is nothing minor. You would not put a random associate or even a friend on a will. You would appoint only those you know intimately, that likely know your life in the same capacity. There is a great deal of trust put on an individual listed in a will to carry out the requested duties after the testator is deceased.

Adding a "cherry on top" to the irregularities, Epstein turned up dead merely 48 hours after signing his will.

Reports told us that Epstein had been taken off of suicide watch just days before he allegedly took his own life. Within this time frame came the signing of his will.

A psych evaluation is required to remove an inmate from suicide watch. Someone signed off on Epstein's removal from suicide watch, and the same person failed to throw red flags when his first request is to finalize his will. Unsurprisingly, we've heard nothing from this person.

You'd think the last thing on your mind in the event that you were committing suicide would be executing a will. Epstein never cared about his countless victims, and he likely wasn't scrambling to ensure paperwork compliance.

As the story develops, the mysteries and entirely too coincidental irregularities emerging in the case are increasing by the hour.

We likely can expect to hear more from William Barr within the next few weeks regarding the death of Epstein.

Bobby Harr is an independent journalist and freelance writer who has been featured in the Western Journal, American Thinker, and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Twitter: @TheDailyNoble. 

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