Frontrunner Biden's best was just not good enough

NeverTrump John Podhoretz gamely tries to put a positive spin on Joe Biden's performance last night at the second day of the second round of the Democrats' presidential debate.  Writing at the New York Post, he claims:

Kamala Harris is a one-hit wonder. Joe Biden is the Comeback Kid.

The California senator, who was the unqualified star of her first debate for going after Joe Biden, came into her second with a real shot at getting Democrats to turn their attentions and affections toward her.

Instead, given the opportunity she had and squandered, Harris turned in one of the worst debate performances in history. There was no single horrible moment, like Rick Perry forgetting the name of the third cabinet department he'd eliminate or Marco Rubio repeating himself robotically. No, the whole thing was horrible.

At the same time, Biden was facing a pundit class that viewed his uncertain first debate performance as a harbinger of doom — one more bad show and he'd be through. Well, toast he ain't. He won the debate hands down, in part because he had a ready parry for every thrust made at him by the rest of the field.

Podhoretz then lists some of the comebacks he used against the unimpressive Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Bill de Blasio, and Cory Booker.

OK, Joe did some homework.  But he's still 76 and would be 78 when inaugurated.  He looks great for someone that old, but the problems begin when he opens his mouth.

Grabien screen grab.

Biden is just not very smart ("a dummy," in President Trump's blunt assessment).

Don't take it from me.  Chris Matthews said afterward that Biden didn't look very good:

And David Axelrod quipped, "[T]he good news for Joe Biden is this was maybe the best he could do and the bad news is this may be the best he could do."

He also provided a sound bite that would write off Ohio, West Virginia, Texas, and many other states with his promise to "kill all fossil fuel jobs."

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