Kamala and Cory didn't get the memo

Who knew that two presidential candidates who pander like crazy to the homosexuals would speak at a church where the pastor said this?  Let's get the details:

Sens. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker — who are ardent supporters of LGBTQ rights — attended services at a Las Vegas church led by a pastor who has described homosexuality as a sin, according to reports.

The Democratic presidential hopefuls separately attended services last week with the Rev. Robert Fowler Sr. at Victory Missionary Baptist Church, one of the state's largest black churches, according to The Hill.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, also a presidential contender, held a town hall at the church on July 6, but did not appear with Fowler or attend a service the pastor led.

"Whether you commit adultery, whether you commit fornication, whether you're a child molester, you gossip, you lie, you cheat on your taxes, you don't pay your tithes, things of that nature — all of that is wrapped together as sin, along with homosexuality," Fowler said in a 2013 interview with Nevada Public Radio.

"Any sin, if you break the law in one area, you've broken it in all areas.  If you mess up in one area, that's enough to send you to hell — so any sin is pretty bad for me," he added.

Fowler's office did not respond to a request for comment by The Hill, but he affirmed his stance on homosexuality during an interview with the Bay Area News Group on Sunday.

We can file this under oversight or handlers who did not do their homework.  It was certainly no profile in courage, because Harris, Booker, and Sanders didn't say a word to challenge the pastor's view on homosexuality.

According to a Pew survey in May 2019, 62% of whites support same-sex "marriage," as do 58% of Hispanics and 51% of blacks.  In other words, a large number of blacks do not, and that may explain why Harris and Booker did not talk about it in a black church.

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