Made in Mexico: Money for the Democratic National Committee

Inspired by the many victories of President Donald J. Trump (R) and galvanized by the upcoming 2020 elections, the Republican National Committee is successfully raising millions of dollars from past donors and many new ones, including thousands of smaller donors.  The Democrats?  Not so much. Politico:

...once again, the RNC is running circles around the DNC. (snip)

   — The RNC raised $20.8 million, spent $14.3 million and had $43.5 million in cash on hand (filing).

— The DNC raised $8.5 million, spent $7.5 million and had $9.3 million in cash on hand (filing). The committee also had $5.7 million in debt.

Desperate for cash -- even the deepest blue Democratic vendor has to be paid but the significant Democratic National Committee (DNC) debt does not inspire payment confidence -- the DNC, under chairman Tom Perez, has decided to outsource some of its fundraising to Mexico, where an estimated 1.5 million American expats reside.  

And so next month there will be a series of events in Mexico City, featuring Perez himself, for the American citizens living there eager to help their party in the old country.  According to Democrats Abroad:

This is a unique chance to get an up-close view of how Democrats are working to build a better, brighter, fairer future for everyone. 

Or, for those willing to spend a bit more

There will also be  a happy hour for those who want to spend minimal time with Perez.  Or just get together to reminisce. 

By law, only American citizens can contribute to American election campaigns and the posters do mention this. 

Meanwhile, back in the USA, unemployment is down, the economy is up.  And the Republicans will probably continue to outpace the Democrats in fundraising.  

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