The appalling, misguided mindset of the NeverTrumpers

The ever-disappointing, Trump-hating  Bret Stephens has disappointed his former fans again.  He hates the President but admits the Democrat party is off the rails.  Indeed, it is.   In his most recent column, he mis-states Trump's tweet re: the "send them back" controversy.  Trump merely suggested they go back - - to Somalia, Detroit, the Bronx and Boston, fix things then tell him how to fix the nation.  It was not a racist tweet in any sense of the word any more than his stating the truth about Baltimore was racist.  Skin color never enters Trump's mind, actions, or accomplishments.  He is a colorblind person.  

He was right about the anti-Americanism of the lamentable "squad" and he is right about the obvious deterioration of Democrat-run cities that have been unaddressed for decades because to speak the truth aloud is instantly deemed racist.  That is how our politics have been for decades, and it escalated over the eight years of the Obama race-baiting years.   Obama set race relations back and he did it on purpose.  It was all by design, meant to promote a surge of identity politics -- and it worked.

Stephens is like many people today who think their hatred of Trump is validated because of what they think they know about his character and his past.  They feel self-righteous for objecting to his every move because he was, at various times of his life, a womanizer and a savvy businessman.  What has that to do with how he has run his administration?  Absolutely nothing.  Had our media been as disrespectful of many previous presidents as they are of Trump, the young of those years would have been equally outraged.  Woodrow Wilson, whom Rahm Emmanuel just praised as a heroic progressive the other day, was an avowed racist.  LBJ was as well.  Emmanuel touted the Great Society as a success, but it was an abject failure.  Its "War on Poverty" was a disaster of catastrophic proportions; it destroyed black families in particular. 

FDR interned Japanese-Americans and socialized much of US government.  Clinton appeased the Norks.  They each cheated on their wives.  Obama doubled down on appeasement as well as with Iran and Russia, which brought us to where we are today.  Trump won because the American people are sick to death of these self-anointed elites, so certain that they are our betters,  so sure of their superiority in all things intellectual, cultural and political, but who have made a muddle of US foreign policy for years and years.  

 NeverTrumpers like Stephens are all in a tizzy because they loathe the President, are horrified that he is succeeding beyond  all expectations, but is doing what they advocated for decades without their counsel or approval.  They are discombobulated by his effectiveness.  The moralistic young cannot abide him for his past history; his womanizing, his money-making, his success, his brashness and his violation of all the rules of the DC establishment.   They are too young to know how the media of the past protected the presidents they favored:  JFK, LBJ, Clinton, Obama and many of those who came before them.  All were seriously flawed.  Trump, like all humans, is flawed.  But this singular man is giving his all to save us as the Constitutional Republic as founded.  The Trump-haters like Stephens are pathetic; too young or ignorant to know greatness when they see it. 

What the older people among us realize is that the details of the personal lives of our presidents are not very relevant.  What they do, what they accomplish in office is what counts.  Endless discussions of Trump's past affairs, business transactions, etc. are meaningless if he can save the nation.   

Those of us who have endured the failures of all manner of past presidents of both parties are thrilled at what Trump has managed to achieve in three short years despite the war by the media on his every move, decision, action or tweet.  That the truth about the treasonous Russia hoax is being exposed is a miracle.  May the perpetrators all be indicted and convicted of their crimes.   But we must look forward to the day when even young Americans, long indoctrinated against all things conservative, constitutional and liberty-loving can set aside their disdain for a president for his past personal life and consider only his dedication to the nation.  

No one can deny Trump's love of country and selfless resolve in service of the American people.  Whatever the truth of his past exploits with women or in business is irrelevant now.  He is doing his best to right the nation after many decades of its sailing in the wrong direction and he is succeeding.

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