Ever had a shocking experience from a liberal 'friend' on Facebook?

Had a shocking, slap-in-the-face, experience this morning.

Last night, I happened to add a few new FB friends.  Among them was one — let's call him Dick — he and I had attended the same schools in the same years for high school and college.  More of an acquaintance than a friend.  By all appearances, extremely successful and intelligent, a high achiever in his field.

I visited his page and found it to be chock-full of Trump-hatred.  Nothing unusual about that, especially in Massachusetts.  One thread was castigating Trump for seeking to eliminate Obamacare.

I pointed out that a couple nearing 65 and earning $65,000 would be paying the full-boat Obamacare price of $20,000 per year, that many people needed to mortgage their homes to pay the costs, and that many people had lost their homes because of the costs.  This makes Obamacare a highly regressive tax.  Totally factual, no invective whatsoever.  Oh, no, said Dick, you're way off, not even close.  Dick, I do taxes for some folks and I have seen it with my own eyes.  TurboTax it, and you'll see.  No way, says Dick.

I posted a data sheet showing the IRS numbers, with which I am already well familiar.  The numbers conclusively proved my point, without a shadow of a doubt.  I awaited a response.  Dick might continue to cavil, but since he seemed to be an intelligent and responsible person, I hoped he would say, "Gee, Mike, I see that you have your facts right.  Thanks for bringing me up to speed on that issue."  Probably not, but I could hope.

Crickets.  Well, he probably is checking sources to see if I am truthful.  Fine.  That's what anyone would do.  Perfectly logical.

Checked back a couple of hours later.  Gone.  The whole conversation.  Unfriended and blocked!  You could have knocked me over with a feather.

Is this where the liberals are headed?  Facts and reason are irrelevant?  They want what they want, and reality and the rest of us be damned?  We either kowtow to the liberal-Marxist-progressive-socialist-Democrat agenda or become non-persons?  Down the memory hole?  Have they lost the ability to engage as responsible participants in the civil society?  If one side throws a tantrum and refuses to act as normal adults, how can our nation continue to function?

The liberals have lost it.  This will not end well.

Image: Rafiq Sarlie via Flickr.

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