Hilarious lineup of commercials for CNN’s climate hysteria town hall

No ratings are yet available for CNN’s 7-hour climate hysteria town hall, but it is hard to believe that a lot of people watched. Masochists are not a huge demographic slice of the population, and as for the true believers, well, it does burn a lot of electricity to spend 7 hours in front of the boob tube. My guess is that CNN had even fewer viewers than usual for its evening.

So, who on earth would buy commercials during such a broadcast? Did CNN offer really deep discounts?

If one were going to predict which segments of the population would be least attracted to hour upon hour of haranguing over their immoral use of air conditioning, air travel and meat-laden diets, surely the target demographics of the commercials that followed Pete Buttigieg’s 40 minute segment (in which he said, “it’s kind of a sin” to not act on climate change) would be among them.

Zach Parkinson, Deputy Director of Communications - Research for Trump 2020 captured the abusrdity in a tweet:



Twitter video screen grab

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