Impeachment complaint of the day

For three years, most of the media, in collusion with other Democrats, have been rooting for impeachment based on the fake news story of Russian collusion when there was never any evidence collusion occurred.

For a few days, many Democrats running for president were clamoring for impeachment of Judge Kavanaugh because of a fake news story in the New York Times when the journalists withheld the evidence that the victim had no memory of the over-thirty-years-ago incident.

Now, because of a story in the Washington Post about a whistleblower, who had no firsthand knowledge of the call and who didn't like what he heard that Trump said to the Ukrainian leader, the media are in full-blown orgasm for impeachment because Trump brought up Biden's name.

Most journalists, along with other Democrats, have no problem that Obama/Biden extorted the Ukrainians into firing a prosecutor who was investigating a company where Hunter Biden got paid $50,000 per month.  But if Trump brought up Biden's name, that is impeachable.

Nancy Pelosi now says there is no choice but to start an impeachment inquiry because no one is above the law.  As far as I can tell, Pelosi has never said which law Trump broke, but that doesn't matter.

Pelosi didn't care that Holder, Clapper, Brennan, and others were not prosecuted for lying to or withholding documents from Congress.  Didn't care that Hillary and others were not prosecuted for continually violating the nation's national security laws.  Didn't care when the Obama administration illegally spied on thousands of Americans and spied on Trump people to take out Trump.  Didn't care when Obama dictatorially violated the Constitution by implementing DACA.  But if Trump brought up Biden's name, that is impeachable?

Joe Biden and others are claiming that Trump should be impeached because he hasn't provided documents to Congress that they requested.

I don't recall anyone in the media or other Democrats demanding impeachment when Obama and the Justice Department withheld documents from Congress for years relating to Fast and Furious. 

Judge rejects Obama's executive privilege claim over Fast and Furious records

The standoff over the records led to a House vote in June 2012 holding then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over the records. The House later initiated a lawsuit to try to force disclosure of the files. The case was repeatedly delayed in an unsuccessful effort to broker a settlement.

Most journalists and other Democrats didn't even care when the Obama administration deliberately deleted part of a tape (see Watergate) relating to Iran.  But whatever Trump does is impeachable because the media and Democrats want a Democrat in power.  Nothing else matters. 

State Department Admits Editing Video to Remove Question About Iran

Almost a month after questions were first raised about a chunk of missing video from a State Department press briefing, a spokesman for the department has finally admitted that a question from Fox News reporter James Rosen about the government's secret discussions with Iran was deliberately edited out of the video. The government had initially described the missing section as a "glitch."

Democrats, including Dick Durbin, wrote to Ukraine demanding an investigation into Trump, with no evidence, but if Trump asks Ukraine to investigate the Bidens with actual evidence of corruption and extortion, that is impeachable.

Of course, Durbin and others wrote to the IRS demanding an investigation into Tea Party groups and wrote to the Supreme Court threatening retaliation if they didn't rule in the right way.

Democrats Wrote to Ukraine in May 2018, Demanding It Investigate Trump

Democrats wrote to the Ukrainian government in May 2018 urging it to continue investigations into President Donald Trump's alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign — collusion later found not to exist.

The demand, which came from U.S. Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT), resurfaced Wednesday in an opinion piece written by conservative Marc Thiessen in the Washington Post.

It would be nice if we had a president who made sure taxpayer money in Ukraine and elsewhere was used appropriately instead of a president and party who gave a country that pledged death to America hundreds of billions of dollars to help fund terrorism.  Obama also used $1.8 billion in taxpayer money to get unmarked bills to bribe the tyrants in Iran, but that was OK with Pelosi and the Democrats.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab.

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