Individualism: Our eventual demise

America dodged a bullet in 2016, with the election of Donald J. Trump to the presidency.  I'm praying that his (our) momentum propels us to victory in 2020, but America's experiment in our republican form of government is short-lived.  Freedom, as we currently know it, will be a not too distant memory.

It is not for lack of virtue in precepts established at our founding, but the nature of the make-up of those who "individually" honor its form versus those who "collectively" seek its destruction.

Individualism, our greatest virtue, is our biggest (tactical) weakness. 

As a command-and-control ideology, when leftist elites determine a path forward, they communicate marching orders to their militant activists (including the media), who communicate said orders to their mass of uninformed drones.  Like the Star Trek Borg, leftist foot soldiers unthinkingly march to the tune set for them by their overlords.

Assimilation is a foregone conclusion.  Resistance is futile.

We, individually, outnumber the radical Left and are equally passionate about our values, but are hamstrung by our inability to rally sustained opposition.  Sure, we'll go to battle for a particular cause, and we have won our share of battles over the past handful of years, but when we think a particular battle secure, we return to our homes, our families, our livelihoods, and other personal interests.  In other words — life.  The Left regroups.

For the Left, particularly the radical Left, the battle is life.

Are the mainstream press concerned with ratings (or truth) or advancing leftist ideology?

Are our K–12 and academy professionals concerned with the furthering of knowledge or the indoctrination of young minds of mush?

Any question that Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and the like are working against conservatives generally and for the advancement of Leftist interests?

Are climate scientists seeking proof of a climate change hypotheses or trumpeting the doom-and-gloom narratives passed down to them from on high?

Are social gospel churches preaching salvation through repentance or allegiance to leftist dogma?

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, La Raza, LGBT, Islam, unions, Occupy, BLM, and myriad more intersectional grievance groups — all are foot soldiers in the leftist war on America and Western civilization.

For more than a generation, the progressive Left were content to lie low, to quietly infiltrate our systems of government, education, media, entertainment, science, unions, churches, and other social/cultural organizations.  They now seemingly appear to believe that they've amassed enough foot soldiers to charge the barricades.

Like the Borg, they are singularly focused — attack our imperfect union as inequitable, racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, unjust, etc., etc., etc., in order to impose their perfect (in their minds) utopia.  Like the Borg (or zombies), the Left are coming, and they're coming hard.  They will keep coming.   

Whether 2020, or shortly thereafter, our barricades will fall.  Man was not always free.  America, like all other preceding democracies (republics), will fall.

Individualism, as a virtue, is righteous.  As a rallying cry to common cause, it will be tested by the coordinated attacks of the more singularly focused Left.

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