The Left is hell-bent on abortion-worship

The current drove of Democrats running for president seem hell-bent on the primrose path to perdition.  Each one is trying to prove he is more radical than the other, regardless of whether or not this is palatable to the American voter.  They proudly present the larceny and oppression of socialism and the faux promises of lots of free stuff.

One of the most pernicious planks in their platform is abortion at any stage of pregnancy, even at full term.  The only moderate candidate is Tulsi Gabbard, and she is being dealt out of the deck for her more sensible views.  I do not agree with many of her ideas, but she is against third-trimester abortion and has the courage to state this.

In all of my forty-plus years of delivering babies, I have never met any other obstetrician (or midwife) who felt that third-trimester abortion is an acceptable idea, no matter what he otherwise felt about abortion.  I have stated my stance against any abortion on these pages.  But how is it that medical professionals, who are the most knowledgeable about pregnancy and especially third-trimester pregnancy, are universally appalled by the notion of third-trimester "abortion" (murder), but leftist politicians think it is just fine?  A simple answer is that their wish to pander to the radical Left trumps their morality.

In a just world, third-trimester abortion should be a felony and a crime against humanity.  It is tantamount to war crimes.  These are babies who, if allowed to be delivered, would live outside the womb.  It is difficult to believe that anyone with intelligence and a conscience could have any other view and deny their right to live.  But apparently, intelligence and a conscience are not in the purview of these Democrats.

For myself, if I were to encounter a physician in the future who wholeheartedly embraces third-trimester abortion, I would backpedal away from him as fast as I could.  That person would be the embodiment of evil.

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