The once-great Democratic Party is kaput

In 1944, Norman Matton Thomas, six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America, said, "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.  But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.  The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

Bold words from a six-time loser.  It's 75 years later, and, despite Democrats from Roosevelt to Obama adopting numerous fragments of the socialist program, under the name of liberalism, as Thomas predicted, America has yet to become a socialist nation (through legislation).  Not that a socialist America isn't possible if, over the course of the next 20 years or so, the Democrats can dominate elections in both houses of Congress, dominate elections for POTUS, and pack the Supreme Court, which is a big if.

We citizens have ourselves to blame if America becomes a socialist nation.

Currently, far-left socialists, led by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), occupy the lower house of Congress, which plays a vital role in the process of moving proposed legislation to law.  She, along with her comrades-in-arms, is hell-bent on running roughshod over the Republic, whereas the Senate is under the control of powerful politicians acting halfheartedly to thwart her.

Both senators and representatives are necessary for legislation.  Generally speaking, senators are more powerful and more important than representatives, but the media are working hard to make Ocasio-Cortez and her followers — e.g., Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), more popular than any senator.  The popularity of the Ocasio-Cortez faction is a problem, because popularity translates to power, for good or not — in this case, not.  The Ocasio-Cortez faction is up to no good.

The Senate is ineffectual against these socialists, but an energetic businessman from Queens, N.Y. is working hard to thwart them.  They hate him for his actions, his deeds, and his words.

Socialists — politicians, government workers, journalists, etc. — hated Trump from the get-go, enough to try to ruin his campaign in a stupid manner and  to try to remove him from office in a stupid manner.  They hated Judge Brett Kavanaugh enough to try to destroy him in a despicable manner, fearing that the Supreme Court would become deferential to Trump.

A man is corrupt if he enters politics poor and leaves rich.  Only Trump could break a socialist's brain because he is a man rich in and rich out, a man who loves democracy — only Trump, because he is an unlikely politician, a crass businessman from Queens, and because he is a capitalist, and it takes a capitalist to get under a socialist's skin.  It's a drastic time for them, and drastic times call for drastic measures.  

Members of the Democratic Party were heading left under Obama, obviously, and they picked up the pace, quick-timing it to the far left under Trump.  He broke their brains.  It's as if they are desperate now.  Is he hastening them to their downfall?  America to greater glory?

First it was the Russia hoax.  Now we have this whistleblower nonsense (not a whistleblower, in fact, but someone complaining thirdhand).

The socialists think it's perfect politics for Biden to pressure the fearless leader of Ukraine to fire a prosecutor, but if Trump asks him to hire a prosecutor, it's an impeachable offense.

Like the asteroid that impacted the Earth and deranged the climate (in the age of the dinosaurs), Trump impacted politics and deranged the Democrats.  Is his impact the largest in the history of America?

The media won't have any more eloquent stories to write, the likes of which the public has never read, when Trump is gone, nor will he have any more fake news to pooh-pooh on Twitter and get their goat.

What will the media do then?  Discombobulated, far-left journalists won't be the same, but they will pick up the pieces and continue writing their eloquent stories about the glories of the socialist platform, what's left of it, and the public will read these pieces with a bit more skepticism and question them — a fine legacy for Trump.

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