The scare strategy

It is clear that the strategy for the media is to scare the public instead of telling the truth as they collude with other Democrats in the 2020 election.  It's the same as their strategy for the past several decades to elect Democrats and destroy Republicans.  It will include the following:

Playing the race card to gin up racial division and hate, as they pretend they are the party trying to unite the country.

Running fictional stories to destroy the Republicans, like the years-long fake Russian collusion story and the stories to destroy Kavanaugh.  The media and other Democrats are willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way in their quest for power.  The truth hasn't mattered for a long time.

Running endless stories predicting a coming recession to instill fear in the public and downplaying the good current good results from Republican policies.

Seeking to scare the public, as they have for almost 100 years, that the world, humans, and animal and plant species are threatened soon to extinction if the government doesn't get control of the climate and every aspect of our lives.  The coastal cities and ice caps were going to be gone soon after 1922 and they are still there and thriving.

The public is told that Trump's trade policies are greatly harming the U.S. economy and consumers and that they have harmed our relationship with foreign countries, but trade data show that exports and imports have continuously risen throughout Trump's term versus 2016.

We are also told that the tariffs are raising prices, but government statistics show that prices are dropping year over year.

There are several existential threats to the U.S. survival as a great country, and continuing the use of fossil fuels and a little warming are not included.

Medicare for all is a threat.  Stopping the use of fossil fuels is a threat.  Substantially higher taxes and moving toward socialism are a threat.  Not enforcing the rule of law and having a Justice Department that believes that it is its job to determine who is president are great threats.

But one of the greatest threats is that we have sycophant media that believe that it is their job to support one party and destroy the other based on their beliefs instead of reporting the truth.

Why are we continuously lied to, and why have the "experts" been so wrong?

Image credit: Pixabay.

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