Why won't the right go after the porn industry's leadership?

When it comes to the touchy subject of pornography, the discussion invariably gravitates to all the porn consumers.  Although the number of women has really spiked in recent years, the narrative in society, from media to churches, everyday people having a conversation, is thus: male consumers are the problem, and it's helping to erode society's mores.  Rarely are other factors considered or other perpetrators brought forward, but I think we need to turn the narrative on its head and ask this: why won't people in general, but especially the political right, go after the leadership of the porn industry?

Let's consider who is behind this industry and reasons for producing and distributing it.  Is it just because of their profligate sexual dispositions and desire to propagate it among similarly minded people, or purely to make money?  Or is there more to it, at least with many of them?  Do they have a deeper interest in demoralizing the general population and weakening their resolve — especially the resolve of men?  Considering that they tend to offer their product free of charge to their audience, one must consider that there is more to this than simply a wish to enrich themselves.  If so, are they not the enemy of society and deserving of exposure; condemnation; and, if possible, full repudiation?

As for the general population, especially those on the political right who ostensibly are more concerned about the moral fiber of society, with knowledge of this, why are they not rising to the occasion to unearth all the names associated with this industry, much as has been happening with the Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein cases?  Why not make their names known for us to castigate and ultimately bring down from their positions of power?  Is it because we don't take it seriously enough, or is it out of fear that many average people may be exposed imbibing pornography?

The former is clearly due to a poor understanding of the corrosive nature pornography can have on those involved, from consumers to performers to family, friends, and even the wider society.  The latter reason is more understandable: the majority of Western society has likely engaged with pornography at some level, regardless of political affiliation or religious devotion, and most feel some sense of shame and remorse about it.  Many may still be consumers of it.

But how long will we allow these perpetrators to control us this way?  They do not care for you.  They have no love for you.  They only want to enslave and destroy you.  Shouldn't they be the ones cowering in fear for what they are doing?

As such, I say we need to research all who are involved behind the scenes — the producers, disseminators, the propagators of what is so obviously meant to harm our society.  There should be a veritable call to arms to bring these people down as the pariahs they are.

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