Women's March gets new roster, still shot through with Jew-hatred

The Washington Post recently reported that the Women's March is replacing original founders Mari Lynn "Bob" Bland, Tamika Mallory, and Linda Sarsour with 16 new board members.  Mallory had been criticized for her relationship with anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, reportedly stated that Jews had exploited black and brown people, told Women's March Jewish co-founder Vanessa Wruble that "your people hold all the wealth" (according to Wruble), and refused to state whether or not she believes that Israel has a right to exist.  Sarsour peddled that Jews have dual loyalties and that American Muslims shouldn't humanize Israelis.

The Women's March did not acknowledge a link between these anti-Semitic remarks and the shuffle, stating that "our outgoing board members have simply served out their terms and are moving on to new ventures."  Regardless, it looks as if the Women's March does not care about anti-Semitism, as at least two out of the 16 new recruits, Zahra Billoo and Samia Assed, are anti-Semites themselves.

Zahra Billoo

The Washington Post merely mentions Zahra Billoo as "a civil rights attorney and executive director of the San Francisco Bay area chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations."  Burying the lede into oblivion, the WaPo fails to recognize that Billoo's employer, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), wades knee-deep in anti-Semitism. Furthermore, Billoo:

  • in June 2017 called the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) "genocidal" and stated that she was boycotting Wonder Woman because the Israeli lead actress, Gal Gadot, whom she called "a murderer," starred in it and had served in the IDF.  In that same tweet, she supported a boycott of "Apartheid Israel" (BDS is an anti-Semitic movement) and called the United States, al-Qaeda, and ISIS "comparatively evil."
  • in May 2018 stated that she "doesn't see any difference between American youth leaving the country to join ISIS or the IDF.  Both are murderous, war crime committing, terrorist entities.
  • in May 2018 called Israel "apartheid Israel" and stated that Israel does not have a right to exist during an American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) conference.  According to the Israeli think-tank Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs in its detailed monograph "Students for Justice in Palestine Unmasked," AMP is "an organization whose leaders were former members of Palestinian and Islamist terror organizations.  AMP was founded in 2005 by the former leaders of three organizations; Kindhearts, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.  All three organizations were implicated by the U.S. government between 2001 and 2011 for financing Hamas."
  • has several other anti-Semitic tweets as compiled by Muslim Reform Movement co-founder Asra Nomani.

Samia Assed

The Washington Post briefly mentions Samia Assed as "a Palestinian American activist from New Mexico who serves on the board of the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice and leads the organization's New Mexico chapter."  But the WaPo missed that Assed also:

  • "advocated and organized" with the UNM Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voices for Peace.  According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, "SJP is an extremist organization that maintains affiliations with Arab and Islamic terror groups, is overtly anti-Semitic, incites hatred and violence against Jewish students, and rejects the existence of the state of Israel in any borders."  SJP's bigotry is so brazen that Northeastern SJP facility adviser Prof. M. Shaid Alam told SJP members to carry the label "anti-Semite" as a "badge of honor."  SJP is a "byproduct" of the AMP (see above).  Jewish Voices for Peace supports SJP and also supports BDS, an anti-Semitic movement calling for the destruction of Israel.  (Yes, Jews can also be anti-Semitic.  Just look to Karl Marx's On the Jewish Question: "What is the worldly religion of the Jew?  Huckstering.  What is his worldly God?  Money.")
  • Supports the Electronic Intifada, which propagates bigotry against Israel and Jews by supporting the "Zionism is racism" canard, dehumanizing the three teenagers kidnapped (and ultimately killed) by Hamas in June 2014 as "settlers" and "Boers," the Israeli security forces that were trying to save them as "occupation gangs," and the kidnapping itself as "wonderful, wonderful news."
  • Posed with House rep. Rashida Tlaib on a Facebook photo dated July 2019, with the caption "Happy Birthday, Queen Rashida!"  Tlaib is a known anti-Semite.
  • Posed with House rep. Ilhan Omar in a Facebook photo dated April 2019, with the caption "I stand with Ilhan."  Omar, too, is a known anti-Semite.
  • Posed with Linda Sarsour in a Facebook photo dated April 2019 with the caption "#WeStandWithIlhan."  As shown above, Sarsour is also a known anti-Semite.


The people running the Women's March, trumpeted as heroines of woke intersectionality, do not seem to care about combating "the oldest hatred, forever young."  If the March really wanted to enfranchise Muslim women in its ranks, it could have instead invited Asra Nomani, Shireen Qudosi, Qanta Ahmed, Farhana Rahman, or any other Muslim woman who doesn't seek to destroy Israel and isn't an anti-Semite.  But nope, in the Women's March, it looks like bigots as usual for the foreseeable future.

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