A party line impeachment is bad for future presidents

According to a news, impeachment divides the country along party lines:

Americans are evenly divided on whether President Donald Trump should be impeached. Forty-nine percent think he should be impeached and removed from office and 49 percent are against it, according to results from a new NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll.

Voters are sharply divided along party lines. Nine in 10 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are against impeachment and 89 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaners are in favor of impeachment. Independents who don’t lean toward either party are more split with a 53 percent majority saying Trump should be impeached and 44 percent saying he should not.

Impeach for what?  I guess we will learn that later.

This is exactly the wrong way to do impeachment and a clear threat to any future President with a House in hands of the party.

The Democrats are setting a terrible standard here.  At least, President Clinton had committed perjury and lost his law license as a result.

What do we have in today's impeachment climate?  We have no specific crime, but rather a bunch of people who've never gotten over the 2016 election.

It is a terrible precedent for any future president.

Yes, I understand that it just takes a "simple majority," but it should be more complicated than that to pursue impeachment.

Shouldn't we have "high crimes and misdemeanors" to stand on?  Or is it old-fashioned to say stuff like that?

Shame on Democrats and their hysterical hatred of Trump and the 63 million who voted for him.

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