All Democrats are saying is, Give War a Chance


Democrats, always reliably anti-Trump, have now carved out a position for themselves of being the party of Pro-War Protest.  They are passionately in favor of our continued military intervention in Syria.  Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi apparently were aggressive in their meeting with President Trump, protesting his announced policy of withdrawing the small American military contingent in that country.  Fake News ABC lent its support to the pro-war cause by providing phony footage of an artillery demonstration that it falsely claimed portrayed Kurds being slaughtered.

Since the sixties, Democrats have generally preferred the antiwar side of any issue involving American military action.  Except for a brief time immediately following 9/11, the party has consistently been critical of American troops on the battlefield, to the point of actually favoring our enemies over our own troops.

Now Donald Trump has changed all that.  Driven nearly insane by their hatred of the man, and by their continued failure at bringing him down by lies and coup attempts, Democratic leadership is switching sides on the issue of continuing U.S. intervention in what was once the country of Syria.  Conveniently forgetting that the blunders of the Obama/Hillary administration were in large part responsible for the Syrian civil war turning into a bloodbath, and that it was the Orange Man who was responsible for the decisive leadership that decimated ISIS, Democrats are now pretending Trump's plan to withdraw our troops from that region would lead to catastrophe.

Whether or not the decision to withdraw is a wise one, it is in line with Trump's campaign promise to bring our troops home from endless Middle Eastern wars.  And it is supremely ironic that Democrats are the ones now arguing for continuing to put American soldiers and Marines in harm's way.  If memory serves, when ISIS was slaughtering Christians and other infidels with abandon during Obama's term in office, in many cases using weapons supplied by Hillary Clinton's twisted Benghazi arms-dealing, Democrats were more than willing to look the other way.  When Barack Obama drew a red line over chemical weapons use in Syria, and then pretended he didn't notice when Syrian president Assad ignored the red line, Democrats in Congress and the media were also willing to pretend they didn't notice.

The bottom line is that no policy contortion is too extreme for Democrats to undergo in order to maintain their always and forever anti-Trump position.  It's obvious they don't really believe in any of the policies they claim to support — all are merely means to deceive the voters into returning them to power.  The war the Democrats really support to the fullest is the war against the Trump administration, and the wider war against constitutionally limited government.  This is the war they wage fiercely with lies, fake news, and secret kangaroo courts.  For Democrats, in the War against Freedom, there is no substitute for victory. 

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