It's impeachment or violence. Take your pick.

The Left finds it not only acceptable, but necessary to kick old men while they are on the ground, clinging to their pro-life protest signs.  Worse is yet to come.

Leftists make the case that their violence is justified because we, the conservatives, are Nazis.  They say we cage innocent children at the border (even though it was Obama who did this).  They say our words instigate violence against people of color and against people of various sexual tendencies.  They say we force women to bear unwanted children.  There seems to be no important issue on which we can agree, be it the environment, welfare policy, or foreign affairs.  Not only do we disagree, but the disagreements are so inflamed as to necessitate violence against us.

If you or I were growing up in Germany, in 1937, and if we knew what the Nazis were doing, we too would resist by all means possible, whatever the risk, however violently we felt compelled to act.  A great many courageous people did so, and nearly all of them were crushed into anonymous deaths.

But this is America 2019, and the comparison of the pro-life movement to Nazism is a grotesque deception.  It is a deception perpetrated by those who seek power — absolute power — in a future authoritarian, totalitarian government that they seek to impose, and to impose by any level of violence they find available.

Their models for this plan include China and Venezuela; Iran and Cuba; and, perhaps the worst hell-hole of all, North Korea.

The American Left has moved very far in this direction.  Until recently, its pace was patient and methodical.  Over the decades, those on the Left have carefully infiltrated academia, the news industry, entertainment, and the legal profession, among others.  Theirs was not to be a revolution, but an evolution, the parable of the frog in the slowly heated pan of water.  We weren't supposed to notice.

Then came Donald Trump.

The Left was ready for the likes of Jeb Bush and John Kasich.  They were even prepared for such people as Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum, all of whom promised to govern in accordance with respectable conservative policies and values.

But it is clear, in retrospect, that any of those potential presidents would have, even if unintentionally, further entrenched the system, not ended it.  What was needed was a shake-up, a demolition man, a wrecking machine.

Trump came seemingly out of nowhere.  He had little (if any) real experience in politics, none in governing, and even less in the endless modes of treachery with which he was met.  He was not even taken seriously until the shocking outcome of the 2016 election, and then it was too late.

Suddenly, the progressive timetable was shredded.  There could be no more careful, patient maneuvering into absolute power.  Revolution, not evolution, became the order of the day.

And so off came the leftist velvet gloves, and out came the iron fist, the hammer, the sickle, the swastika.  The rules of democracy, of decency and honor, were cast aside in favor of lies, propaganda, and outright criminal activities. 

Thus came we to this day, wherein the leftist pot calls black the kettle, wherein a Democrat representative openly admits, even boasts, that if Trump is not impeached, the American people will re-elect him — and the American people must never be permitted to do that.

For the American Left, and for much of the political establishment, including many weak Republicans, the contest has become more than that — it has become an existential struggle.  The Left knows that if Trump is re-elected, it will cease to exist as a political force; its power will evaporate, and its major proponents will be exposed for what they are: unprincipled totalitarians.

The kind who kicked an 85-year-old pro-life man to the ground.

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