Some perspective on Hunter Biden's gigantic Burisma compensation

I did a little research.  Hunter Biden is reported to have received $80,000 per month in compensation for serving on the Board of Directors of Burisma.  This is a total of $960,000 per year.  Burisma's books are not open to the public, but its revenue is estimated to be $400 million in 2018.

All of the coverage of this that I have seen focuses on the large amount of money Biden received.  I decided to see how this compares to normal compensation for a board member.

How much does a member of a Board of Directors normally make?  Here's a little chart showing the average compensation for a nonemployee board member for two prominent corporations along with the gross revenue of the company (2018):


Avg. Compensation

Gross Revenue of Company

Texas Instruments



Shell Oil



Hunter Biden



Hunter Biden was receiving almost four times the compensation of an average Shell Oil director in a company about one thousand times smaller.  The comparison to Texas Instruments is somewhat better but still abysmal.

I will leave to others an evaluation of Biden's qualifications to be a Burisma board member, and his possible contributions to the Burisma governance, but the sheer amount of his compensation smells awfully bad.

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