Swirling down the Ukraine

Up until recently, most Americans knew almost nothing about the country of Ukraine, much less locating it on a world map.  The country of Ukraine formed after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.  Shortly thereafter; boundary lines were drawn, a new governing body was formed, and a declaration of independence was adopted by the newly installed Ukrainian Parliament.  Due to an unstable government, crime and corruption soon followed, and despite a series of free elections, gross government and economic mismanagement has prevailed.  With Ukraine ripe for exploitation, a plethora of people (foreign and domestic) have taken duplicitous advantage of the situation there for the singular purpose of unjustly enriching themselves.  It should come as no surprise that certain American politicians are complicit in the corruption, whether it be adult children of former Obama administration officials, the Clinton Crime Family and their assignees, or the Democrat National Committee.  In fact, Ukraine is a cesspool of culpability, and it's exactly why House Democrats are now attempting to divert all attention away from their own wrongdoing.

A little more than a month ago, speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi jumped the shark, announcing an impeachment inquiry based on a congratulatory phone call between President Trump and the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.  Convinced that Trump threatened to withhold military aid to the Ukrainian government during the phone call, a yet unnamed (and now extremely reluctant) "whistleblower" (who admittedly was not a phone call participant) filed an I.G. complaint based on secondhand information.  In a highly irregular move, the "whistleblower" contacted California congressman Adam Schiff first, before filing the complaint; originally denied by Schiff and who later recanted his denial.  Almost immediately and without hesitation, Trump made public the call transcript, which does not implicate him, but rather makes clear his desire for an investigation regarding Hunter Biden's board appointment to the Burisma Group.  The obscene amount of monetary reward for Hunter Biden's services; Biden having absolutely no experience in the energy sector whatsoever; and his father's subsequent videotape, in which then–vice president Joe Biden demands the resignation of a former Ukrainian prosecutor, are damning to be sure.  Whether or not Joe Biden's third attempt to become president comes to an inglorious end remains to be seen.  His lackluster campaign continues to limp along.

Where there are corruption and massive amounts of cash, the Clintons are never far behind.  In a Wall Street Journal article, "Hillary Clinton and Ukraine" (paywall), published barely two weeks ago, President Trump isn't the only one asking for a full accounting of malfeasance in Ukraine.  As far back as 2017, Iowa senator Chuck Grassley submitted a letter to the U.S. attorney general's office that "highlighted brazen efforts by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign to use the government of Ukraine for the express purpose of finding negative information on then candidate Trump in order to undermine his campaign."  It should come as no surprise the Clinton campaign and the DNC shared highly paid informants in the U.S. and Ukraine: veteran Democrat operative Alexandra Chapula, a former Clinton White House staffer and daughter of Ukrainian immigrants being one of those people, whose salary between 2004 and 2016 rivals that of Hunter Biden.  Chapula also had another extremely well paying gig: consulting for the DNC.  This is the same DNC that refused to allow the FBI access to its compromised computer server, instead turning over the server for forensic analysis to a cyber-technology firm known as Crowdstrike.

It's no coincidence the DNC sought the services of Crowdstrike instead of the FBI.  It's also no coincidence that Nancy Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry within days of the whistleblower's complaint being made public.  During his conversation with the Ukrainian president, Trump asked for information about Crowdstrike's role in investigating the DNC computer server breach in 2016.  The word "Crowdstrike" undoubtedly sent shockwaves through the D.C. swamp; the Clintons and the DNC are clearly worried.  In plain speak: Trump is hovering over a target, and one that makes certain Democrats jittery at the mere mention.  They're so jittery, in fact, that apparently, impeaching President Trump is paramount, and ending the presidential campaign of the Democrat frontrunner is the unintended consequence. 

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