The Democrat objective? Absolute power

Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible. 

—Frank Herbert

The American Left is used to being in power, even when it is not.  This is true because Republicans have generally embraced the role of being the minority, even when they are not.  Republicans tend to be deferential; they don't like to ruffle anyone's feathers.  They have never sought absolute power.  That power-seeking trait is certainly evident now as the Democrats let Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi behave like the KGB in the old Soviet Union in their quest to see President Trump impeached and removed from office.  The Democrats selectively leak; the Republicans don't.  The Democrats lie, cheat, project the guilt for their crimes onto Republicans, fabricate tall tales, all in service of their determination to see Trump removed from office before he can be re-elected.  These people no longer mean to live by the laws of the land, let alone any moral guidelines that have long undergirded our system of laws laid down by our Constitution.  "Ethics and oversight are what you eliminate when you want absolute power" (DaShanne Stokes).  The current crop of Democrats in the House are lethal to our democratic republic.  They intend to reverse the results of the 2016 election by stealth.

Is there a sleazier member of Congress than Adam Schiff?  There are indeed many disreputable characters who somehow got elected to high office, but, with the possible exception of Pelosi, Schiff is the very worst of a bad bunch.  Since Trump was elected, Schiff has been obsessed with seeing Trump removed from office.  He was all in and overreached on the Russia collusion hoax.  He stated many times that he had "incontrovertible evidence" of Trump's collusion with Vladimir Putin.  He lied; he had nothing but his own fantasies, his wishful thinking about what Robert Mueller would report.  Crushed by Mueller's failure to reveal a smoking gun, Schiff invented and orchestrated the Ukraine "phone call" crime.  This hoax has been long in the planning.  But Schiff is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  He made another assumption: that Trump would never release the actual transcript of that call.  Once Trump did release it, Schiff should obviously have taken a step back, but no — he went ahead with his planned bit of bad acting and read a wholly fabricated "text" of the call even though the real transcript had been made available.  His fifteen minutes went badly.  The man is clearly delusional.  His shabby attempt at screenwriting was pathetic.  It bore no resemblance to the actual call.  None.  Do any of his colleagues in Congress or the media speak up about his catastrophic poor judgment?  No, they do not.  No ethics anywhere on the Left, not anymore.

The tragedy is not only that people as venal and dishonest as Schiff are elected and remain in office for so many years, but that they rise to positions of power in the House or Senate in order to abuse their power at will.  When this happens on the Democrat side, no one objects.  The more corrupt the head of a committee, the more he abuses his power, the more Democrats and the media like him.  So the odious Schiff is their go-to guy right now.  Are they, the Democrats, even a little bit aware of how enraged well over half the country is at their railroading of this president?  Or do they assume we are all so clueless, so uninformed, that Schiff is fooling us, convincing us? 

One only has to look at Schiff to see that he is manic.  The left thinks Trump is "psychologically damaged," but Schiff appears to be a classic case of maniacal narcissistic personality disorder along with a bad case of delusions of grandeur.  He and Pelosi know very well that Trump did not collude with Russia.  Hillary did.  They know as well that there is nothing wrong with that conversation with Ukraine's President Volodomyr Zelensky.  Nothing.  Not a word.  They are pols without a shred of decency or honor.  That goes for all in their party who are not standing up to put a stop to this impeachment nonsense.  Are there any decent exceptions?  Not one. 

The Democrats are like the Gene Hackman character in Absolute Power when he sends his henchmen to kill his nemesis's daughter — "Let's get crackin,' that you love your country."  This is exactly who our Left and who the press is today, as they were under President Obama: "My president, right or wrong."  Now that Trump is president, he must be impeached.  We are soon to find out how much wrong Obama's underlings did for him in service of his planned ruination of Trump's candidacy, then presidency.  Everyone knows this obsession with destroying Trump all leads back to Obama.  Schiff is just the latest dupe, the designated front man. He's a willing tool, like Rep. Jerry Nadler as well as every candidate running for the Democrat spot on the presidential candidate ticket.

While volumes of information, carefully documented, exists, numerous books and hundreds of well-researched articles have been written that lay out the Clinton/DOJ/FBI scheme to falsely frame, implicate and destroy a presidential candidate, and then the president for collusion with Russia, the left still clings to the notion that they can convince an unsuspecting public that their plan is still operational, that they can still see Trump removed from office. They try to ignore the tens of thousands of people who show up to his rallies; they think these rallies mean nothing. They ignore the tens of thousands of Hispanic supporters that show up, as in New Mexico. They love Trump for all the right and obvious reasons; they see the results in their own lives, their own towns and cities. They see and know that he is not a racist, a dictator, a Nazi, or any of the other despicable names the left uses to indict him. He's just a guy who loves this country, wants to fix what's wrong and protect us from the Marxist agenda of the radical left. He will make mistakes, as all presidents do, but unlike what we knew about Obama, that he never loathed this nation as founded, Trump loves America and means to see it survive as an independent country, not part of some elite globalist, socialist vision. Eric Hoffer wrote that " Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true." Schiff, Pelosi and their partners in crime, plotting their coup, must not be allowed to make their lies come true. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr., the ultimate tragedy of the corruption of bad people is the silence of good people. The Republicans, and the good people throughout the nation who appreciate the success of Trump's presidency must not be silent in the face of the absolute power the left has claimed for itself. It is past time to fight back. Love of country must overpower the left's corruptible lust for absolute power and plan to transform America into something it was never meant to be.

Image credit: Photo montages by Monica Showalter from public domain sources.

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