The Dems are doomed

After nearly three years since Trump's inauguration, Democrats have finally mustered up the courage to go full throttle into impeachment mode, proceeding from the president's whistleblower-stricken phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.  Zelensky stated at a press conference with Trump that when in talks with the president over Hunter and Joe Biden's Ukrainian scandal, he felt no pressure as it relates to United States aid to Ukraine. 

Despite this overwhelmingly important factor, Democrats are proceeding full force with impeachment — and it couldn't be better for the president.  If the economy didn't seal it for the "on the fence" soccer moms, the humiliation of Democrats cannibalizing themselves with impeachment would flip voters like clockwork.  Moving forward with impeachment will only guarantee Trump a victory in 2020 while inflicting severe, long-lasting damage to the Democratic Party — especially Joe Biden. 

The televised statement from Volodymyr Zelensky regarding his and Trump's phone conversation has gotten significantly less media attention than the transcript and secondhand whistleblower report.  But isn't that testimonial the most critical piece of evidence here?  If I'm alleged to have committed a crime against you, and you refute that allegation, there is no case — and that's what we have here in the case of Trump and Zelensky. 

But Democrats are ignoring that crucial factor and doubling down on the secondhand whistleblower report that's led to a transcript of a call showing no impeachable offense.  The president, being head of the Executive Branch, rightfully questioned Zelensky on Joe Biden's quid pro quo scandal regarding his son Hunter Biden and his involvement with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company.

The whistleblower complaint refutes allegations of Trump's involvement in a quid pro quo with Zelensky in its very logic.  The complaint states, "It wasn't clear Ukraine was even aware that the United States was withholding military aid."  If one side does not know of the leverage the other side possesses to obtain what it's looking for, a quid pro quo is not possible. 

Regardless of what the House of Representatives decides on going forward with impeachment amid Speaker Pelosi's declaration of an inquiry, the inquiry is dead on arrival in the Senate.  Even if passed in the House, the action needed to remove the president would require a two-thirds majority vote in the Republican Senate in favor of the inquiry.  A Mitch McConnell–controlled Republican Senate would shut down the inquiry, thus leaving egg on the faces of Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic Party. 

Given the current circumstances, impeachment helps Trump and hurts Biden in every way.  They've got nothing on the president aside from Adam Schiff's "parody" rendition of the phone call between the two leaders, which also resulted in egg on face.  He's got nothing but political gain to acquire while watching Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden's poll numbers decline rapidly as we inch closer to the Democratic primaries.

Democrats have placed the entire stack of chips on one hand nearly twelve months away from the next election, which is a precarious move.  In the incredibly unlikely event of impeachment leading to removal from office, we get Mike Pence, whom Democrats hate nearly as much as the current duly elected president.  In the event of impeachment trials that fail, Democrats have lost all credibility necessary to compete with Trump going into the 2020 election. 

President Trump has the house advantage going into the impeachment circus, and the Democrats are sitting at a slot machine.  If the bold move to undo the 2016 election fails, we will likely see a landslide 2020 victory for Trump along with a red House and Senate for the next four years.

Bobby Harr is an independent journalist and freelance writer who has been featured in the Western Journal, American Thinker, Tribune-Review, and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  Twitter: @TheDailyNoble

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