The elephants rally

For years now, many conservatives and Republicans have withheld contributions to the RNC, NRCC, and NRSC because of exasperation with their incompetence and general unwillingness to fight hard against the Democrats.  All too often, the Senate brotherhood's need for collegiality trumps the unpleasant task of getting their hands dirty and, as a result, compromise is regarded as a better alternative to no legislation.  Too often, the need of Republicans to preserve the status quo for their personal benefit and empowerment, drives them into the waiting arms of Democrats.  Too often, the needs of the voters are secondary to compromise with odious socialist policies.  All of this is a slap in the faces of folks on Main Street, to whom promises always seem to be made but rarely kept. 

A bigger slap in the face and the final straw for countless conservatives occurred when the late Senator John McCain gave that infamous thumbs down on the Obamacare vote despite his campaign promises — a middle finger to the millions who supported, defended, and donated to a man they didn't like or trust or believe would make a good president.  It was more important for McCain to settle a personal score with Trump than it was to honor years of promises to repeal Obamacare that he'd made as a professional politician.  He sold us out on an issue that launched the Tea Party and united conservatives to retake the House and Senate.  This left many of us with such a bad taste in our mouths that we were perennially reluctant to donate to a party that was repeatedly willing to support, even cultivate, its weakest link: RINOs.

But in the last few days, the Senate Republicans have done something remarkable — they grew a spine!  They've gone on the offensive against House Democrats.  With the exception of a few RINOs, they have put their personal views of the president aside.  First, they know that what the House Democrats are doing is wrong.  Secondly, they know that with at least 83% of Republicans approving of how the president is handling his job — figures likely to be higher, given the successful mission against al-Baghdadi — they'll have a mutiny aboard the USS Elephant if they don't listen to the base and stand up for the president.  I hate to get ahead of myself, but they might just have come to realize that the base is this president and Trump is the base. 

Now, I don't know about you, but I get about a dozen emails and text messages each day asking me for money — from President Trump, and any number of senators and congressmen and women on behalf of the NRCC and NRSC.  My house phone and iPhone ring multiple times a day.  I have become accustomed to ignoring all of the fundraising cacophony — the invitations to lunch with the president, the T-shirts and mugs, the enticing verbiage in email subject headings.

But maybe it is time for some positive reinforcement.  If these organizations see a substantial uptick in donations on the heels of this type of action, unity, and punch-back, maybe, like Pavlov's dogs, they'll be conditioned to behave this way going forward.  Pay attention to the base and fight for us, and you will be repaid in donation dividends and possibly even victory at the polls.

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