The real CIA

The CIA's involvement in the Steele dossier fraud and its use of college professor agents against the Trump campaign were cartoonish.  The dossier reads as though it was written late in the evening after a few drinks. 

The current CIA whistleblower operation is dramatically more sophisticated.  The written complaint was obviously put together by teams of experts.  It's all nonsense, but it's excellent nonsense.  There's sloppiness — the inspector general got caught altering whistleblower procedures to grease the wheels for this operation, as discovered by Sean Davis at the Federalist.  But the CIA is evolving and becoming better at operations against American political targets.  I give the agents a tip of the hat for their professional improvement.

The CIA is far from being the murderous threat of a KGB or Gestapo, and its tactics so far have been weasely, assaulting our democratically elected leadership with sneakiness and innuendo.  Nevertheless, its attacks on President Trump have been the most significant attacks our president has faced.  CIA employees have no intention of assassinating Donald Trump, but they do seek to assassinate his presidency.

The CIA's founders would be horrified.  They insisted as a condition of the CIA's founding in 1947 that it was not to be a KGB or a Gestapo that preyed upon its own citizens.  The CIA was forbidden from targeting Americans or running operations in the United States.  Yet here we have the unthinkable: a CIA officer working an intelligence operation against the president, within the White House. 

Today, the CIA is overwhelmingly a domestic organization.  The reason for this is its massive growth and presence in the Washington area.  More than 90% of its employees never leave the D.C. area, and the idle hands of its legions of bored employees do the devil's work.  Its foreign targets are far away and hard to get at, so it naturally turns to spying upon Americans.

Whenever CIA employees become public figures, their biographies reveal a near total lack of foreign espionage work.  John Brennan has zero experience and is a pure Washington creature.  Valerie Plame, despite the movie starring Sean Penn and Naomi Watts, had nearly zero foreign experience.  She had the talent to do good work, but the CIA kept her in Washington.  The Intelligence Community inspector general is just a D.C. lawyer.  The current whistleblower will prove to be a person whose only spying has been against the White House.

CIA employees in Washington don't get to zip around the world on exciting missions.  The CIA's overseas stations control foreign turf and don't like headquarters people stumbling around.

Socialists once perceived the CIA as a right-wing, swashbuckling gang that deposed communist dictators such as Salvador Allende and attempted the assassination of Fidel Castro.  In the last couple of decades, though, the left has figured out that the CIA is on its side.  The CIA is just tens of thousands of donut-eating Big Government employees in Northern Virginia whose votes have turned Virginia blue.

There is political diversity at the CIA, but it is segregated by job.  My colleagues who conduct espionage in foreign countries are overwhelmingly Trump-supporters.  They operate in rough places and see up close the benefits of our democracy.  Some of them come from families that suffered under communism in the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, or Cuba and have a visceral hatred of socialism.

CIA people in D.C. are overwhelmingly anti-Trump and fans of Big Government.  There are many exceptions, of course.  But the CIA, deep down in its Jabba the Hutt mind, understands that when it expands in the U.S., it is favoring its blue agenda.  

There are probably more people at the CIA processing health insurance claims than there are dedicated officers under deep cover overseas.

The CIA's Washington employees do not kill Americans yet.  But the CIA is learning and evolving, and the history of spy services suggests that unless held accountable, they turn upon their own nations. 

The CIA experiment is a failure and a threat to our nation, and it should be shut down and its components returned to the U.S. military.

Ishmael Jones is a former CIA officer and the author of The Human Factor: Inside the CIA’s Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture.

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