The Shed Mover and Elizabeth Warren

My wife Mary's mom gifted us a shed from her property. We hired a West Virginia shed mover to haul the shed and install it in a specific spot in our back yard. Given all the obstacles he would have to maneuver around, we knew we were pretty much asking him to achieve the impossible.

Upon arriving with the shed, he admitted that installing it where we want it may not be possible. I stayed inside the house. I thought, “I'm paying this guy. I don't need to share in his stress.” Mary chose to watch the entire nerve-wracking process. The middle-aged white gentleman drove his flatbed truck down a tiny alley and backed it through a small opening in our fence.

Using a handheld remote control, he masterfully worked the flatbed with the shed around a huge tree and passed my studio building with only inches to spare. Wiping away sweat, he removed his cap. Minutes later, he removed his jacket. With surgical precision, he inched the shed into the perfect spot.

As we happily paid him, Mary and I said, “Wow, you're awesome!” I gave him a hearty handshake and Mary gave him a hug. He chuckled and said thanks.

When he left, I thought, “That guy is a hardworking small business-owner whom Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren accuses of unfairly benefiting from his “white privilege.” Warren wants to tax the heck out of him to provide free healthcare and housing for illegal aliens.

Elizabeth Warren is a power-obsessed sociopath and serial liar. Warren will say anything to win the presidency. She lied about having Indian blood to exploit Affirmative Action to further her career. She is making absurd promises which even Democrats say are impossible to fulfill.

The man who installed our shed is a good guy, simply earning a living. Senator Warren, your campaign to punish him and confiscate his earnings is evil and beyond contempt. Leave that man alone.

photo credit: Gage Skidmore (coppped)

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

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