When will women say 'enough!'?

When will women arise as a group and declare "enough!"?  I assert that women's rights are eroding as the transgenderism movement continues to build momentum.  Three absurd news stories coming out of this weekend, from which "National Period Day" has been added to my lexicon, underscore my assertion.  No, I'm not making this up.

Yesterday's edition of Newsweek features an emerging backlash and boycott against Procter & Gamble's Always brand for removing its ubiquitous Venus logo, after Ben Saunders took offense via Twitter this past June.  Ben is an 18-year-old trans activist from the U.K. who was named campaigner of the year by LGBT charity Stonewall.  Another trans activist, who identifies as Melly Boom, echoed Ben's concern with the following tweet to the Always customer care team, "Why is it imperative to have the female symbol on your sanitary products?"  As expected from a bona fide corporate virtue-signaler, P&G acquiesced to the fringe element of society with the following tweet:

Good afternoon from the North American Customer Care team! At Always, we care about the needs and preferences of our Always customers, and we'd like to help you connect with our Always UK team to share your thoughts. Here's the link to get in touch: spr.ly/6015EvgMF.

In a second incident, Teen Vogue shared a pearl of wisdom, relative to National Period Day.  "The truth is, not all women menstruate and not all people who menstruate are women," the op-ed asserted.  Note to public school superintendents: Update the biology curriculum accordingly!

Lastly, transgender cyclist "Rachel" McKinnon, a male, continues to break records in the women's field.  This past weekend, Rachel defended his sprint title at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester, England.  The 37-year-old, competing in the female 35–39 sprint category, set a new world best time in qualifying.

In looking at these stories, I'm struggling to understand why the #MeToo movement and the "Pussyhat" movement seem to be okay with this marginalization of women.  Why is there conspicuous silence from Gloria Steinem on this issue?  Meantime, I'm left to wonder how this trans-sanity will end, fretting for adolescents in the process.

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