A call to Iranian expatriates

In lieu of current Iranians' protests in Iran, let us make a note of it: if we remain divided, there will not be a chance against the powerful Islamic regime, which has a vast and destructive power apparatus, and no problem in using it against the regime's own population, as in the 2009 Green Movement.

Unlike anything encountered in recent memory, the formidably complex and unique situation present in today's Iran poses an enormous challenge.  It defies any conventional solution, and simply resorting to civil disobedience is the equivalent of fighting off a pack of hungry and bloodthirsty wolves with toothpicks.

The incredibly ruthless, deceptive, and cunning nature of the present regime, bundled together with an Islamic modus operandi, creates an enigma and a number of paradoxes.

Recommendations for Expatriates

• Their ideological differences should not stand in the way of uniting against Islamofascists who have made life miserable for all Iranians.  Breaking unity at a time when the Islamic vultures want to extinguish the forces of resistance is an abandonment of their national duty.

 • They must fight the disinformation campaign launched by the Islamic Republic through radio, internet, and TV broadcasts into Iran.

• A strategy that emphasizes the interdependence of a secular and free Iran with economic rewards for industrialized nations is another major step in gaining meaningful support.

• It is imperative to launch a widespread information campaign into Iran and across the globe that exposes the regime and its evil deeds.

• They must counter negative public relations against the U.S. and Israel and broadcast meaningful and structured information into Iran that will counter IRI propaganda.

• They must inform people about the true nature of Islam and its counter-cultural impact on Iranian civilization, culture, and traditions.  This must be done tactfully and in an informational manner.

• They must strongly emphasize the role of the Iranian civilization in shaping Western and Eastern civilizations and influencing many schools of thought.

• They must expose the atrocities committed against the people of Iran (gross violations of human rights) and the terrorist acts committed against the world at large.

• They must re-emphasize the importance of the unity of different Iranian ethnic groups based on common cultural roots.

• They must ward off opportunistic separatist movements by exposing their phony historical and linguistic "justifications."

• They must reinforce the fact that irrespective of linguistic differences, the Iranian people's common enemy is the Islamic regime.  They must expose separatists' deceptive tactics.

• They must expose the real reason for the pursuit of nuclear technology.

• They must work with legitimate opposition inside Iran and expatriates who are in tune with the current issues inside Iran.

• They must expose the regime's lobbyists and sympathizers with personal agendas and those who have had any connection to the Islamic Republic in the past or present.

• They must unite your forces with secular democratic groups and persons who promote freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.

• They must avoid those whose perceptions of Iranian realities are locked in the 1970s and have no concept of day-to-day issues facing the Iranian people.

• They must work with labor and organized grassroots movements inside Iran, with nonstop support for independent secular movements.

• They must form a provisional coalition of capable individuals, preferably trained in conflict resolution, leadership, and management who are also charismatic and pragmatic enough to lead the post-IRI transitional government.

• They must try to work with Iran's real military forces for the complete destruction of the paramilitary forces, such as Basij, Pasdaran (IRGC), Ansar Hezb'allah, and other pressure groups.

• They must work with international agencies to capture and round up the commanders of these forces and the leaders and key figures of the Islamic regime to be handed to an international tribunal for crimes against humanity.

• They must provide financial and moral support to those individuals and organizations that are fighting Islamofascists.

In my view, for all the above stated reasons, we must reformulate the action plans and come up with more effective ways of dealing with the problems in Iran.  I believe that the current idea of promoting civil disobedience is great; however, that alone is not sufficient when dealing with the homicidal and suicidal Islamists in Iran.

I do not think piecemeal and small-scale civil disobedience, in light of the present disunity and lack of a common plan, can accomplish too much, since we are trying to fight ruthless barbarians who lack the slightest shred of decency and are devoid of any ethical values and civilized modes of behavior.  We need to use all our resources more optimally and should use more viable tactics that involve meaningful help from as many sources as possible — help from the international world body, to include the United States.  It is in the interest of the United States and the Western world in the long run to assist freedom-loving Iranians.

I do not claim to have all the answers, but I have a fair idea of where to begin.  It is high time to realize that we are not dealing with the same social factors or even the same people of four decades ago.  We need to collaborate on this effort and invite others who can contribute to this cause without placing personal fame and secondary gains ahead of the goal of re-educating, rebuilding, and liberating Iran.

Great opportunities do not come every day.  Recognize and seize them with every chance you get.  If we fail to take action with this excellent opportunity now, future historians will ask: how could the entire group have seen it coming and done nothing about it?

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