A pathetic few weeks in the MSM

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (sorry for the anachronism), when the Founding Fathers drafted the 1st Amendment, I doubt they anticipated that freedom of the press would morph into freedom to be corrupt.  Here are five stories that showcase corruption and blatant bias across different MSM outlets, just over the last several weeks:

  • ABC apparently spiked the Epstein scoop (and the magnitude of atrocities and the power players involved) several years ago.
  • In his new book, Ronan Farrow claims that top NBC execs shut down the Harvey Weinstein scandal, while in the midst of the Matt Lauer sex scandal.
  • The Washington Post, in last week Sunday's morning headline, described Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS head taken out by U.S. Special Forces, as follows: "an austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State dies at 48." 
  • Meanwhile, Jeff Zucker, head of CNN, received these headlines, after an undercover videotaping through a flagrant act of journalism by the crew at Project Veritas:

CNN Worldwide President Jeffrey Zucker has been accused of waging a vendetta against President Trump, and undercover footage released Monday by Project Veritas did nothing to dispel that view.

The self-described guerilla journalism outlet released a hidden-camera report featuring audio of a man identified as Mr. Zucker pushing for coverage advancing the Trump impeachment narrative and blasting Fox News for its "fake conspiracy nonsense."

"Jeff Zucker, basically president of CNN, has a personal vendetta against Trump," said a man identified as Nick Neville, media coordinator for CNN in Washington, D.C., adding, "It's not going to be positive for Trump. He [Zucker] hates him. He's going to be negative."

  • Lastly, after the train left the station, the MSM outlets finally got around to covering the seven-year old transgender dispute in a Dallas divorce court case (Younger v. Georgulas).  Once the MSM began "reporting," it was an anti-conservative hit job:

The irony: The much maligned new media, such as The Texan and LifeSiteNews, were not only the first on the scene when this story broke, but covered the events accurately and objectively.

Just when I think the MSM have hit bottom, they keep digging.

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