Democrats putting Trump through a modern Twilight Zone

Imagine, if you will, a place where whistleblowers are not really whistleblowers, secret trials take place in the basement of a once respected institution of government, and witnesses are allowed to be called by only the prosecutor in the course of conducting an investigation where the results are already pre-determined.  You may think you have been transported back to the Soviet Union in the days of Comrade Stalin and the show trials.  But no, you have merely entered the Impeachment Zone.

It strains our grip on reality to observe the events happening before our eyes, inspired by the power-mad Democrats, frantic to get rid of their nemesis, Donald Trump, by any means necessary.  All previous attempts, such as the Mueller "investigation," have failed and dropped down the memory hole, and such is their desperation that even a veneer of legality is too much to expect for the shoddy and disgusting display now taking place in the House of Representatives.  Shape-shifting Schiff pivots on a dime from insisting that the faux whistleblower must testify to deciding that no, he will not testify, since it's obvious that his pretense of impartiality will be shredded by the first serious questioner.

Adding to the surreal nature of the whole affair is the fact that the transcript of the phone call upon which this whole travesty is purported to be based is publicly available.  Anyone can read it for himself, and if he do, he will soon realize the hollow nature of the accusation.  There was no quid pro quo, not that there would be anything wrong if there had been.  Quid pro quo is how diplomacy takes place, and how business is done in the halls of Congress, for that matter.  But Democrats are confident that their constituency will not read the transcript, either because they can't read or because their minds are already so programmed by the endless flood of lies and propaganda on the "news" that they refuse to recognize truth that contradicts their upside-down view of reality.

In the Impeachment Zone, it's OK to remove a president over false charges that involve conduct that the leading Democrat candidate for president has already publicly admitted and even bragged about doing.  In the Impeachment Zone, there is no need to even apologize for two and a half years of false charges and lies over the preposterous Russian collusion theory culminating in the Mueller report, which found no truth in the charges.  Oh, well — on to the next false charge.  In the Impeachment Zone, it is OK to ignore the fact that the same Democratic partisans and fanatics who dreamed up the Russian collusion nonsense were themselves guilty of the biggest scandal in American political history: the weaponizing of American Intelligence agencies and the FBI to spy on the opposition political campaign in an election year.  And they clearly colluded with the Brits, the Australians, the Ukrainians, and likely the Russians as well in order to carry it off.  Nothing to see here.  Make sure you are tuned in to see the Whistleblower blow his whistle to begin the Greatest Propaganda Show on Earth!

The best thing about the Twilight Zone TV show was watching Rod Serling wrap everything up at the end of the show with his deadpan voice commenting on the futility of human endeavors — and knowing that if things got too intense before that, you could always change the channel.  We can also change the channel on the Impeachment Zone, not only by not watching, but by refusing to be sucked into the Democratic Matrix of Lies concerning Donald Trump.  The louder the Democratic-Media Complex screams about Trump, the more we can be sure they have nothing, and they are terrified about his upcoming re-election, as well as possible indictments for some of themselves.  For them, four more years of Donald Trump is a fate worse than death, worse even than being trapped in one of Mr. Serling's dramatic plots.  Better to protect themselves by building a universe of lies, where reality is turned upside-down  and traitors who have committed sedition are really heroes — the place we call the Impeachment Zone.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

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