How Bloomberg’s candidacy helps Trump

Twenty years ago, I worked briefly for Michael Bloomberg.

The diminutive billionaire was everything people said:  petty, arrogant and full of contempt for ordinary workers.

Bloomberg is, in fact, a virtual poster child for the billionaire tech class that sneers at America’s own citizens — and wants to import millions of low-paid foreign workers to run its slave factories (like those of Amazon) and further boost its profits.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (croppped)

"We need immigrants to take all the different kinds of jobs that the country needs — improve our culture, our cuisine, our religion, our dialogue and certainly improve our economy," the billionaire recently told reporters at a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix.

This is, in short, a Christmas gift to Trump.

Bloomberg highlights more than anything the choice in the 2020 election — between a Trump policy aimed at helping America’s own citizens... and a far-left Democrat one that wants to help billionaires further exploit American workers and thereby “improve” our cuisine, culture and religion.



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